Visual Dividers in UI Design

What are Visual Dividers?

Visual Dividers are components or elements that are used to divide the content present on the interface. It separates the content between different sections and groups which helps to distinguish between them. Similar type of content gets grouped and different content elements get separated. This helps the designer to create a divide in content which helps in making the interface layout more sleek and user friendly. Visual Dividers also create a visual hierarchy between the components of an interface. This helps the user to understand the relation between similar content which is grouped and the divide between separated content.

Visual Dividers in UI Design

Different Types of Visual Dividers

  • Lines: Lines are one of the major and most used type of visual divider. Lines have been used to divide content for a long time, from newspapers and magazines to many digital interfaces. Using Lines to divide content is very simple and it is also very easy. Users won’t even need to think about why a line is present on the interface. Lines are easily understandable by the user like it is a norm that if a line is between two elements it is most likely there to separate it. However, using too many lines can make the Interface look very clustered and can create visual tension for the users.
  • Images: Images are a very appealing and attractive choice for visual dividers. Using Images and Illustrations on the interface makes the interface look very appealing to the users and it creates a divide that is very popular with users. Using illustrations on an interface is a very visual approach. Images as dividers are generally used in text-based landing pages and blog pages. Different types of Images like photos, 3d graphics, illustrations, etc can be used to create a divide based on different elements. It helps divide the text elements and while also providing a visual appeal for the interface.
  • Colors: Colors are also a very effective and widely used method for visual divide. Colors selected through different color schemes can create a very effective divide and it also has a psychological effect on the viewers. Using different colors strengthens the specific emotions of the content. It creates an appropriate mood for the interface which matches the brand identity. Using color contrast is one of the major ways to create a visual hierarchy between the elements. Contrast can be effectively to separate different zones in an interface. Using Images good as they increase the scannabilty of the page.
  • Negative Space: In many modern interface designs the usage of negative space is rapidly increasing.Negative spaces are the white empty spaces that are in an interface that divides the content. The minimalistic approach that is to keep the content minimal and not adding extra elements that are irrelevent is very prevelant nowadays. Having Negative spaces in an interface makes the main content look more important. Using too much Negative Spaces can make the interface look empty and incomplete so using them effectively should be kept in mind.
  • Shadows and Volume: Using Shadows and Volume gives the interface a visual elevation. It creates a sense of depth in the content which helps dividing the content on a 3d level. Using different colors which harmonize with each other can create an elevation which is pleasing for the eye. Unlike other dividers it is not very noticeable so creating a divide becomes more effective as it reduces the visual traffic on the interface while creating a neat divide. This type of dividing is very popular in modern times and is very effective.

Types of Visual Dividers

Functional Type Visual Dividers

  • Full Bleed Dividers: These are the dividers that covers the entire length of the interface layout. They divide each section of the layout.
  • Inset Dividers: These are the dividers that separate related content. For example messages from different contacts on the messaging app dashboard. They should be used with anchor elements like icons and should be left aligned.
  • Middle Dividers: These are used to separate related content but of different insentive like price on a reciept or a CTA(Call To Action).

Functional Type Visual Dividers

Key Points to Keep in Mind

  • Subtleness: The dividers should not divert the focus of the viewer on them rather they should enhance and simplify the interface design. They should not catch attention or they can create a visual tension
  • Moderate Frequency: Dividers should be selected in a way that they don’t increase the visual traffic and become the center of attention. Using Images where a line should’ve been used can create visual tension.


Visual Dividers are used to create a separation between content. They are used to group similar type of content together and create a visual hierarchy between the content. There are many type of Visual dividers which can be used at different places as per the needs. Identifying the need and using effective dividers can help enhance the interface design. Creating a divide which helps making the User Interface look better and provide better readability and scannability is important.