Volume of cube using its space diagonal

Given the length of space diagonal of a cube as d. The task is to calculate the volume occupied by the cube with the given length of space diagonal. Space diagonal is a line connecting two vertices that are not on the same face.


Input: d = 5 
Output: Volume of Cube: 24.0563

Input: d = 10
Output: Volume of Cube: 192.45



Volume of cube whose space diagonal is given: 


Let d = the length of diagonal |AB| and 
let a = the length of each side of the cube. 
Pythagoras #1 in triangle ACD: 

Pythagoras #2 in triangle ABC: 

Now we can solve for a in terms of d: 

This means that the volume V is: 

Below is the required implementation: 


// C++ program to find the volume occupied
// by Cube with given space diagonal
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate Volume
float CubeVolume(float d)
    float Volume;
    // Formula to find Volume
    Volume = (sqrt(3) * pow(d, 3)) / 9;
    return Volume;
// Drivers code
int main()
    // space diagonal of Cube
    float d = 5;
    cout << "Volume of Cube: "
         << CubeVolume(d);
    return 0;



// Java program to find the volume occupied
// by Cube with given space diagonal
public class GFG{
    // Function to calculate Volume
    static float CubeVolume(float d)
        float Volume;
        // Formula to find Volume
        Volume = (float) (Math.sqrt(3) * Math.pow(d, 3)) / 9;
        return Volume;
    // Drivers code
    public static void main(String []args)
        // space diagonal of Cube
        float d = 5;
        System.out.println("Volume of Cube: " + CubeVolume(d));
    // This code is contributed by Ryuga



# Python 3 program to find the volume occupied
# by Cube with given space diagonal
from math import sqrt, pow
# Function to calculate Volume
def CubeVolume(d):
    # Formula to find Volume
    Volume = (sqrt(3) * pow(d, 3)) / 9
    return Volume
# Drivers code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # space diagonal of Cube
    d = 5
    print("Volume of Cube:",'{0:.6}' .
# This code is contributed



// C# program to find the volume occupied
// by Cube with given space diagonal
using System;
public class GFG{
    // Function to calculate Volume
    static float CubeVolume(float d)
        float Volume;
        // Formula to find Volume
        Volume = (float) (Math.Sqrt(3) * Math.Pow(d, 3)) / 9;
        return Volume;
    // Drivers code
    public static void Main()
        // space diagonal of Cube
        float d = 5;
        Console.WriteLine("Volume of Cube: {0:F4}" , CubeVolume(d));
    // This code is contributed by mits



// PHP program to find the volume occupied
// by Cube with given space diagonal
// Function to calculate Volume
function CubeVolume($d)
    // Formula to find Volume
    $Volume = (sqrt(3) * pow($d, 3)) / 9;
    return $Volume;
// Driver code
// space diagonal of Cube
$d = 5;
echo "Volume of Cube: ",
// This code is contributed by akt_mit



// javascript program to find the volume occupied
// by Cube with given space diagonal
// Function to calculate Volume
function CubeVolume( d)
    let Volume;
    // Formula to find Volume
    Volume = (Math.sqrt(3) * Math.pow(d, 3)) / 9;
    return Volume;
// Drivers code
    // space diagonal of Cube
    let d = 5;
   document.write( "Volume of Cube: "
         + CubeVolume(d).toFixed(4));
// This code contributed by gauravrajput1


Volume of Cube: 24.0563


Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)