Vuram Technology Interview Experience for Associate Technical Consultant

Round 1 Online Assessment:

The First Round comprises 90 minutes which consists of Aptitude -40 questions and it is for 45 minutes, Essay Writing -1 15 minutes and Program Writing -2 questions which is 30 minutes so prepare well and it is a select Platform for Writing Online Tests In Programming It comes from Array and another program is Write a Program to two integers without using multiplication operator and questions are the easy to medium level question asked from aptitude. It is a Non-Elimination Round.

Round 2 Technical Interview 1:

Completing the Round-1 next round is the First Technical Interview which is for 20 minutes the questions which are asked in the Interview are as follows:

  • Self Introduction
  • Which is your Favorite Subject in the Domain?
  • Situation-Based Questions:

In Wireless Networks if we can connect a call to a member and how we can call to another Person[Android Device]. Explain in Short Range and Long Range.

Write a Program to the Element which is present in array 1 which is not present in array 2.

It is an Elimination Round. After Completing the Interview I was not Shortlisted for further Process of Recruitment with Vuram Technologies.