Walmart Interview Experience For SDE3

Position :- SDE 3 (JAVA)

I interviewed at Walmart for sde 3 position. All rounds were completed on the same day.

Round 1:- DS Round (Tree, Heap, LinkList)

Duration (1 Hour)

Question 1: The question was to print the tree in spiral form

Question 3:- To reverse linkList and some questions around heap ( what is min heap and max heap)

In this round interviewer focused on my recussion skill.

Round 2 The question:- DS + Technical Round (Stack, Queue and JAVA)

Duration (1 Hour)

This round was to test my knowledge of Java and basic DS questions.
Question 1:- It was asked around stacks how the stack works and basic programming around the stack.

Question 2:- It was around Normal and Priority queues. Basic programme about the queue.

Question 3:- Lamdas & How does hashmap work at the backend, which ds is used to implement hashmap? And much more questions were about Memory management and Garbage collection

Round 3:- LLD Round

Duration (1 Hour)

This round was to test my knowledge of how better I can code and design a problem.

Question 1:- I was asked to design a system that helps to plan events with available rooms and time of people. It was similar to how we book rooms on Outlook and it shows whether a person is available to attend the event.
The question was similar to this. I was asked to design a database, write Basic API and query to test SQL knowledge.
The basic version of:-

Round 4:- Behavioural Round

This round was just a managerial round in which some behavioural questions were asked, Also explained the project on which I will be working etc.
The hr round was also done on the same day and finally, I got an update after a week I was selected.