Walmart Interview Experience For Software Development Engineer (Off-Campus) 2024

MCQ Challenge: There were 25 questions based on Data Structures and Computer Science Fundamentals to be solved in 60 seconds each.

Coding Challenge: There were 2 coding problems to be solved in 90 minutes. The cumulative score of the MCQ and Coding Challenge was considered for shortlisting the candidates for interviews.

In the next step, there were 2 technical rounds conducted on the same day, followed by a Hiring Manager (HM) round conducted after a couple of days, all three on the Zoom platform. The final result was announced on the same day as the HM round.

Technical Round 1:

My first technical discussion round lasted around 45-50 minutes. It started with our brief introductions.

  • I was asked to solve 4 DSA problems and write their codes on any IDE of my choice.
    • Find the second largest element in an array in a single iteration without extra space.
    • Find the length of the subarray with the and longest consecutive 1s in a binary array.
    • Check whether the given strings are anagrams.
    • How to insert and delete an element from a doubly linked list.
  • SQL to query to find the student with the most number of certifications.
  • How to write (i) Into an existing HTML element and (ii) Into the HTML output, using JavaScript?
  • How do you create an object in Java?
  • There is a class Shape and two sub-classes Rectangle and Circle who want to inherit the properties of Shape. How would you do that? Which type of access modifier is suitable?
  • You are supposed to receive 25 guests, what is the time complexity of cleaning your room? What is the time complexity of greeting every guest? What is the time complexity of passing dinner to everyone? Every guest has to greet you and the other guests, what will be the time complexity?
  • Why do we use Django (related to my Web Development project)?
  • How did you capture image and detect the eye (related to my image processing project)?
  • Why do we use DBMS? Difference between file system and DBMS?

Technical Round 2:

This round also lasted 50 minutes. First half was supposed to be for solving a DSA problem (had to write code on an IDE) and second related to core concepts and projects.

  • There are 3 strings s1, s2 and s3. If s2 is present in s1, replace every occurrence of s2 in s1 by s3 (their lengths may be random). For example, if s1 = “she ran marathon”, s2 = “ra”, s3 = “non”, expected output “she nonn manonthon”.
  • Difference between JDK and JRE. Which JDK version do you use?
  • What is static keyword in Java? What would happen if we write “public void main(String[] args) ” instead of “public static void main(String[] args) “?
  • Differnce between interface and abstract keyword.
  • What is this keyword in Java? What is let keyword?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • Difference between the operator “==” and “.equals() “?
  • Syntax of lambda function.
  • Name some frontend and backend technologies. Difference between Angular and React. How do frontend and backend communicate?
  • Explain your intern project in brief.

Final Round (Hiring Manager):

This round lasted around 45 minutes. It started with my introduction and the technologies I am familiar with.

  • What is your final year project? Some more general questions related to the project.
  • What extra curricular activities were you involved in during your college? What did you do as a member of Public Relations team (based on my answer) ? Did you face any controversy while doing this work? Consider the hypothetical situation where your manager is doing something wrong which needs to be reported to the director. What would you do since you previously said you follow hierarchy (based on my previous answer)?
  • Suppose you are asked to work on a project during weekends for around 4-5 hours? What will be your take?
  • Which frontend/backend technology is your favorite?
  • Which project you are currently working on?
  • You have not mentioned any project using Spring Boot in your resume, but in most of the teams we use Spring Boot. What would be your approach towards learning it?
  • Why do you want to join Walmart?

Verdict: Received an offer for SDE role based in Chennai.