Wand color() function in Python

color() function draws a color on the image using current fill color, starting at specified position & method. Uses same arguments as color() method. Following are PAINT_METHOD_TYPES.

  • ‘point’ alters a single pixel.
  • ‘replace’ swaps on color for another. Threshold is influenced by fuzz.
  • ‘floodfill’ fills area of a color influenced by fuzz.
  • ‘filltoborder’ fills area of a color until border defined by border_color.
  • ‘reset’ replaces the whole image to a single color.

Syntax :

wand.drawing.color(x, y, method)

Parameters :

Parameter Input Type Description
x numbers.Integer start of filling color
y numbers.Integer end of filling color
method basestring method from PAINT_METHOD_TYPES

Example #1: 


# Import required objects from wand modules
from wand.image import Image
from wand.drawing import Drawing
from wand.color import Color
# generate object for wand.drawing
with Drawing() as draw:
    draw.fill_color = Color('green')
    draw.color(100, 100, 'point')
    with Image(width = 200,
               height = 200,
               background = Color('white')) as img:
        # draw shape on image using draw() function
        img.save(filename ='color.png')

Output: A green pixel is visible at center of transparent image here is the zoomed image. Example #2: Filling color using flood-fill algorithm. 


# Import required objects from wand modules
from wand.image import Image
from wand.drawing import Drawing
from wand.color import Color
# generate object for wand.drawing
with Drawing() as draw:
    draw.fill_color = Color('blue')
    draw.alpha(10, 35, 'floodfill')
    with Image(width = 200,
               height = 200,
               background = Color('white')) as img:
        # draw shape on image using draw() function
        img.save(filename ='color2.png')
