Wand statistic() function in Python

Statistic effect is similar to Spread effect, the only difference is that, it replaces each pixel with the result of a mathematical operation performed against neighboring pixel values.The width & height defines the size, or aperture, of the neighboring pixels.

The type of statistic operations can be any of the following:

  • ‘gradient’
  • ‘maximum’
  • ‘mean’
  • ‘median’
  • ‘minimum’
  • ‘mode’
  • ‘nonpeak’
  • ‘root_mean_square’
  • ‘standard_deviation’

Syntax : wand.image.statistic(stat, width, height, channel)


Parameter Input Type Description
stat basestring The type of statistic to calculate. See STATISTIC_TYPES.
width numbers.Integral The size of neighboring pixels on the X-axis.
height numbers.Integral The size of neighboring pixels on the Y-axis.
channel basestring Optional color channel to target.

Input Image:

Example 1:

# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    img.statistic("median", width = 8, height = 5)
    img.save(filename ="kl-statistic.jpeg")


Input Image:

Example 2:

# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image function
with Image(filename ="road.jpeg") as img:
    img.statistic("median", width = 8, height = 5)
    img.save(filename ="rd-statistic.jpg")
