Wand vignette() function in Python

Vignette effect creates a soft and blurry elliptical frame to the image. Vignette effect is used to apply focus to the part of image we want. The x & y arguments are used to control edge of the ellipse inset from the image border, and radius & sigma argument to control the blurriness. The radius can be omitted if you wish ImageMagick to select a value from the defined sigma value.

Syntax : 

wand.image.vignette(radius, sigma, x, y)

Parameters : 


Parameter Input Type Description
radius numbers.Real The radius of the Gaussian 
sigma numbers.Real The standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels 
x numbers.Integer x-edge of ellipse 
y numbers.Integer y-edge of ellipse 

Source Image: 

Example 1: 


# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    # vignette image using vignette() function
    img.vignette(sigma = 3, x = 10, y = 10)
    img.save(filename ="vkoala.jpeg")


Example 2: Increasing sigma value 


# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    # vignette image using vignette() function
    img.vignette(sigma = 10, x = 1, y = 1)
    img.save(filename ="vkoala2.jpeg")
