Was Lipstick Found In Chanhudaro?

The historical backdrop of India starts with the introduction of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), also known as the Harappan Civilization. It prospered around 2,500 BC, in the western part of South Asia, in contemporary Pakistan and Western India. One of the most significant Indus civilization sites is Chanhudaro. There are currently more than 2800 sites known to be part of the Indus Civilization, and Chanhu-daro is one of the larger ones with a lot of potential for excavation. It is found 130 kilometers south of Mohenjo-Daro, in Sindh, Pakistan.

Chanhudaro a Harappan Site:

  • Chanhu-daro is an archaeological site of the great Indus Valley Civilization near the banks of the river Sarasvati.
  • The settlement was established somewhere between 4000 BCE and 1700 BCE, and is considered to have been a centre for assembling carnelian globules or bead-making manufacturing industry.
  • This site is a gathering of three low hills that were once a part of a solitary settlement, nearly 5 hectares in size.
  • Chanhudaro was first uncovered by N. G. Majumdar in March 1931, and again during the winter field meeting of 1935-36 by the American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and the Museum of Fine Arts.
  • At Chanhudaro, baked bricks were widely used to construct houses. Several buildings have been classified as workshops or industrial areas, and some of Chanhudaro’s structures may have served as warehouses. 
  • At Chanhudaro, there is evidence of shell working, and this is where bangles and ladles were produced.
  • Sesame which was indigenous to South Africa has been found in Chanhudaro and other Harappan sites. It was likely grown for oil at these sites. Additionally, Chanhudaro grows peas.

Was Lipstick Found In Chanhudaro?

  • Archaeologists have made assumptions regarding the Harappans’ potential usage of cinnabar after finding traces of the mercury ore in the Indus Valley Civilization sites, which is also used to produce lipstick, sindoor, and other products. 
  • Even from the Chanhudaro site, archaeologists have discovered something they believe to be lipsticks. 
  • Additionally, figures from the Nausharo archaeological site in modern-day Pakistan that date from 2800 to 2600 BCE had red pigment traces in the section of their hair that resembles the sindoor worn by married women in India today.
  • By this, we can come to the conclusion that lipstick is available and found on the Chanhudaro site.

Other Important Things Found at Chanhudaro:

  • Apart from Lipstick and sindoor other important findings and excavations were a comb made of Ivory, mirrors made up of copper and bronze, axes, vessels, spears, razors, tools, dishes, etc.
  • There were plates and bowls, terracotta wagon models, and a miniature terracotta bird that can whistle when blown. 
  • Male spear thrower or dancer—a damaged figure of great significance (4.1cm) that was discovered at Chanhudaro and is currently on exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, USA. 
  • Chanhudaro produced metalwork, beads made of various materials, steatite seals, and shell bangles.
  • Chanhudaro, Harappa, and Rakhigarhi all include evidence of cotton textile remnants that have been preserved on silver or copper artifacts.
  • The discovery of iron objects in Chanhudaro, Ahar, Rajasthan (India), and Mundigak is significant because it supports the theory that South Asia manufactured iron throughout the third millennium.

Related Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

1Q. Where is Chanhudaro located? 

Ans: Chanhudaro is located 130kms south of Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh Pakistan which is an archaeological site belonging to the great Indus valley civilization

2Q. Is Chanhudaro a Harappan site? 

Ans: Yes Chanhudaro is one of the Harappan sites along with Dholavira, Banawali, Lothal, Harappa, etc.

3Q. For what Chanhudaro was famous? 

Ans: Chanhudaro is famous for bead manufacturing and it is the centre for manufacturing carnelian beads between 4000 BCE and1700 BCE.

4Q. Who discovered Chanhudaro? 

Ans: Chanhudaro was first excavated by N. G. Majumdar in March 1931, and again during the winter field session of 1935-36 by the American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston team led by Ernest John Henry Mackay.

5Q. Where was lipstick found in the Harappan Civilization? 

Ans: From the Chanhudaro site, archaeologists have discovered something they believe to be lipsticks.