wcsncpy() function in C++ with example

The wcsncpy() function is defined in cwchar.h header file. The wcsncpy() function copies a specified number of wide characters from source to destination.


wchar_t *wcsncpy(wchar_t *dest, 
                 const wchar_t *src, 
                 size_t n);

Parameters: This method accepts the following three parameters:

  • dest: specifies the pointer to the destination array.
  • src: specifies the pointer to the source array.
  • n: represents the number of character to copy.

Return Value: This function returns the modified destination.

Below programs illustrate the above function:-

Example 1:

// c++ program to demonstrate
// example of wcsncpy() function.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialize the source string
    wchar_t src[] = L"A Computer Science portal for Beginner";
    // maximum length of the destination string
    wchar_t dest[40];
    // copy the source to destination using wcsncpy
    wcsncpy(dest, src, 19);
    // Print the copied destination
    wcout << "Destination string is : " << dest;
    return 0;


Destination string is : A Computer Science

Example 2:-

// c++ program to demonstrate
// example of wcsncpy() function.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // initialize the source string
    wchar_t src[] = L"w3wiki";
    // maximum length of the destination string
    wchar_t dest[40];
    // copy the source to destination using wcsncpy
    wcsncpy(dest, src, 5);
    // Print the copied destination
    wcout << "Destination string is : " << dest;
    return 0;


Destination string is : Beginner