Weebly vs Drupal

With the advancement of technology, different sectors are shifting from traditional marketing to digital marketing. Each and every organization whether small or big wants to have a digital presence so they want to build their websites, portfolios, blogs etc. but making websites or web applications is a complex and time-consuming task which requires coding skills. Hence to solve this problem, many organizations have provided website building and content management platforms which make it easy to create web applications. Two such platforms are Weebly and Drupal which provides different services to build websites and web applications for personal or commercial use.

Weebly can be understood as a website building company which helps in building interactive web applications and e-commerce websites. The development credit for this platform goes to David Rusenko, Dan Veltri and Chris Fannin. It was initially launched in 2006. It was developed using two main programming languages which are PHP and JavaScript. It is free to use platform.

Advantages of Weebly

  • It provides a simple interface with easy tools to build applications without HTML knowledge.
  • It provides pre-built themes which can be customized easily.
  • It has an auto-save feature which helps in saving data and progress in case of system crashes.
  • It is an all in one platform for building online stores, web applications, blogs etc.
  • It has an in-built payment option.

Disadvantages of Weebly

  • It does not have good image editing options.
  • It provides only 500 MB storage in connect plan.
  • Blogging features are limited.

Drupal can be understood as a content management framework which helps in building interactive web applications and websites. It is an open-source platform. The development credit for this platform goes to Dries Buytaert. It was initially launched in 2000. The current version of this framework is 8.5 It was developed using PHP programming language. It was built using a software architectural pattern.

Advantages of Drupal

  • It is open source and has a large community.
  • It has better scalability features means scaling the business is very easy.
  • It provides free services means basic functionalities are free.
  • It has multilingual capabilities means users can use a large number of languages.

Disadvantages of Drupal

  • It does not support mobile platforms.
  • It is difficult for non-technical users as customization requires coding skills.

Below is a table of differentiation between Weebly and Drupal:




1. It is a platform to create websites, e-commerce stores, blogging sites etc. It is a content management framework which helps in building websites, blogs, web applications etc.
2. Weebly was founded by David Rusenko, Dan Veltri and Chris Fannin.  Drupal was founded by Dries Buytaert.
3. It supports web platforms along with android and iPhone platforms. It supports web platforms only.
4. Audio File management option is not available. It allows audio file management.
5. It is not an open-source platform. It is an open-source platform.
6. It provides activity tracking and notification functionality. It does not provide advanced features like activity tracking.
7. It allows credit card processing functionality for payment. It does not have a payment facility and requires third-party plugins.
8. It provides better SEO functionalities. It provides good SEO functionalities.
9. It’s typical customers include freelancers, small and medium size businesses. It’s typical customers include freelancers, small businesses to large businesses.
10. It provides customer support through phone, online chat, knowledge based and video based tutorials. It provides customer support through online chats and knowledge based tutorials.
11. It is a subscription based platform. It is not a subscription based platform.
12. Weebly is behind Drupal in all market share segments. Drupal is leading in the market as compared to Weebly.
13. It is best for websites like Games, Community & Society, Pets & Animals, Hobbies & Leisure. It is good for the website like Science & Education, Law & Government, Health, Computers Electronics & Technology.
14. It is much easy to use than Drupal. It is easy to use.