What are Impressions and How to get more Impressions on YouTube

YouTube is popular because it has lots of content creator who regularly creates content for the viewers. In return, YouTube pays them for their effort if they meet certain criteria that are mentioned in their monetization guidelines. For this Impressions help Creators. Impressions on YouTube help creators by telling them how much scope their videos get. But apart from creating more content, they need to get more impressions to get more views.

What are YouTube Impressions

Impressions of any video on YouTube tell about how much opportunity your video got. This means how much time your video is presented in front of viewers.

Suppose any viewer is scrolling through its YouTube page and suddenly your video’s thumbnail came in their feed then that will be counted as one impression. Now it’s upon the user whether they will click on your video or not. If they will click then it will increase your view and if they will not click then that will not affect your view count.

So here if your YouTube video gets an impression then it can get a view because first users will see your thumbnail i.e. your video gets an impression and later it can or can not be converted into a view.

How to Check YouTube Impressions

You can check the impression of your YouTube videos from Youtube Studio. You can follow this simple step to see the impression-

Step 1: Go to Youtube Studio

Open your Youtube channel and Go to the Youtube Studio of your Channel.

Step 2: Go to the Analytics Section

In the side menu, you will see lots of options, select the Analytics option.

Step 3: Select Content

Go to the Content tab and there you can see impressions

When are YouTube Impressions Not Counted

There can be many cases when you will get a view but that view will be without any impression. Some of those cases are-

  • When YouTube videos are embedded in social media sites
  • When YouTube videos are embedded in websites
  • When YouTube videos are shown in pop-up notifications on any websites
  • Videos shown using ads on different websites or social media using Adsense
  • When the user will see a thumbnail for less than 1 second
  • When the user will see less than 50% part of the thumbnail
  • When you attach any video at the end of some other video as end screen

Why are YouTube Impressions Important

YouTube impressions are important because they give a clear idea of how much potential your YouTube video has. If YouTube is providing good impressions that indicates the content you are providing is good enough, so if you want to get more impressions then do not change your previous strategy instead that add some new ideas to that existing strategy.

If you are getting bad impressions then you should follow all the methods to effectively increase impressions and CTRs. If some of your YouTube videos are getting more impressions than others, it means YouTube is promoting those types of videos. So that is a clear indication that you should make those types of videos to grow your YouTube channel

Are YouTube Impressions the Same as Views

No, YouTube impressions are not the same as the view. But YouTube impressions affect your views means if you want to get more views then first you should target to get more impressions.

Views are counted when someone opens your video and plays for a significant duration but impressions are counted when someone watches your video’s thumbnail on their feed. So first you will get an impression and if the user clicks on the thumbnail and watches your video then you will get a view. That’s why we have more number of impressions than views because all impressions don’t get converted into view

Why use a social media analytics tool to track YouTube performance

The Social Media Analytics tool gives an depth review of YouTube’s performance. It provides information about the video’s views, impressions, comments, etc…It specifies how much watch time you have and also compares that with the watch time of the previous month. It also gives suggestions on what you should do to improve your watch time.

It also tells how people landed on your YouTube channel means they searched which topics to get into your video or they directly searched your channel name or they landed on your video by Youtube’s recommendation. It also tells about the top-performing content by which you can get an idea of which type of content is consumed by your audience.

But the most important thing is that you can get which topic is trending from your niche from these analytics tools and you can also compare your channel with your competitor’s channel. So these are some of the reasons which you should use social media analytics tools.

How to Increase Impressions and CTRs on YouTube channel

Impressions on any video are decided by YouTube’s Algorithm. If the YouTube algorithm finds your channel useful and understands that your viewer is getting value from your content then it will push that content to the new viewers. So the main thing that we need to do to improve our impression is to make our viewers happy and make them watch our videos to the end. It means we have to make our YouTube videos very much engaging.

Now another main point is that if one time YouTube will promote or push our content from their end and then our click-through rate(CTR) from the impression is very low then from the next time there is very little chance that it will push our videos.

Click Through Rate(CTR) from the impression means how many viewers clicked on the video after getting an impression of that video.

So to get more impressions we need to improve our CTR and viewer engagement. For doing that we need to do the following steps-

Make Attractive Thumbnail

Thumbnail is the the gate of our videos means users will enter our YouTube videos by watching the thumbnail. When YouTube pushes our videos to the feed of viewers then users will click on the video or not which is mainly decided by the thumbnail of our video. You should make a thumbnail in such a way that it makes the user click on the video.

We should do the following to improve our Thumbnail-

  • Use any bright and popular theme
  • Add Text related to the video
  • Try to add Facial Expressions
  • Try to add any eye-catching slogans
  • Don’t use any general stock photos

Add appropriate Title

The title of the YouTube video is the most important thing after the video’s thumbnail. Appropriate title means your title should be able to convey the content of the video and it should be able to make them watch the video.

We should not add anything in the title that is not related to the video. Before Publishing our video we should properly research that what are the popular keywords that are related to this topic. After that, if our video somehow covered content around those keywords then try to add those keywords in our title.

Appropriate title doesn’t mean your title should be very long, it means your title should be enough to make viewers understand the video. Your title should be in simple language and it should be able to make the audience think about your video and provoke them to click on the video

Add Proper Description

The description of your YouTube video should completely stick to the video means it should not contain any such things that are not related to your video. Your description should completely describe your video and after reading the description viewers should be able to understand what are the subtopics that are discussed in the video. It will make our Content engaging

Never try to add too many keywords/tags in your description. See tags will help your videos to rank but lots of tags will be considered as “Keyword Stuffing” and that can lead to channel termination or less reach.

We can add other videos or playlist links in our description to hook users with our content and it will also help Youtube to understand that our content is engaging.

Don’t Change the category of the videos

We should not change the category of the previous channel. If we will do that then all our previous effort will go to waste. If we change the category of our YouTube videos then the YouTube algorithm will recommend our videos to the viewers of the old category and they will not click on these videos which will eventually decrease our CTR. And after that, Youtube will never give such an impression and our future efforts will not give any benefit.

Even if we are done with the previous category of the Youtube channel then also we should not add content related to some other category on that YouTube channel. In that case, we should create a new YouTube channel and create a separate audience.

Don’t Upload Videos on Festive Seasons

In case of any festive season like Deepawali, Christmas or Eid people are busy celebrating their festivals. In that case, they are running out of time and even if they opened YouTube then there is a high chance that they will scroll the YouTube but will not click on the videos. This will decrease the Content creator’s CTR.

After this YouTube’s algorithm will understand that the creator’s video is not that valuable that’s why viewers are not opening and it will decrease the channel’s future impressions.


In the above article, we learned about impressions, their importance for content creators, and how they impact creators’ views. We also discussed improving the impression on YouTube by applying different techniques.

FAQs on Impressions on Youtube

How do I increase my YouTube impressions?

You can increase your YouTube impressions by optimizing your thumbnail, title, descriptions and other settings as per the YouTube algorithm.

Why do some YouTube videos get more impressions?

Some videos get more impressions because the YouTube algorithm finds those videos to be useful that’s why it pushes those videos.

Why am I not getting enough impressions on YouTube?

You are not getting enough impressions because you have not optimized your channel or videos as per YouTube’s algorithm.

What are CTRs on YouTube?

CTRs on YouTube mean how many people clicked on your video after getting impression of the video.