What are Message Brokers in System Design?

A message broker is a key architectural component responsible for facilitating communication and data exchange between different parts of a distributed system or between heterogeneous systems. It acts as an intermediary or middleware that receives messages from producers (senders) and delivers them to consumers (receivers) based on predefined routing rules and patterns.

Important Topics for Message Brokers in System Design

  • What are Message Brokers in System Design?
  • Importance of Message Brokers in System Design
  • Advantages of Message Brokers
  • Use Cases of Message Brokers
  • Types of Message Brokers
  • Popular Message Broker Technologies
  • Best practices for Message Brokers
  • Real-world examples
  • Differences between Message Brokers & Message Queues

What are Message Brokers in System Design?

A message broker is a middleware component that acts as an intermediary for asynchronous communication between different parts of a distributed system. It receives messages from producers, stores them temporarily, and delivers them to consumers according to predefined rules and patterns.

  • Message brokers facilitate decoupling between components, enable scalable and reliable message processing, support various messaging patterns such as publish-subscribe and point-to-point, and provide features such as message persistence, routing, and protocol transformation.
  • Overall, message brokers play a crucial role in enabling efficient communication and integration within complex distributed architectures.

Importance of Message Brokers in System Design

Message brokers hold significant importance in system design for several reasons:

  • Decoupling: They split the roles of senders and receivers and permit their independence to run. It implies that the components within the system can communicate without possessing the specific information of each of the other parts which helps in making it effective, more flexible, and easily maintainable.
  • Asynchronous Communication: Most brokers play the role of an intermediary for the communication that asynchronous notifications facilitate. They may also help to cope with sending a large number of messages without the need to wait for responses in real time. Asynchronous communication can help the system to be flexible and response-reactive.
  • Scalability: Using messages spreading into several consumers, message brokers that allow horizontal scalability are distributed. In this case, the workload grows as much as the number of clients, which enables overloading capability, and the increases in the workload become more tolerable to the system.
  • Resilience: Brokers often provide a rich set of features like, message durability, replication and fault tolerance which graphically improve system robustness. Whether the failed system is stand-alone or part of some large integrated network, messages stored and the changes made in them would be durable and ultimately will be processed, as soon as the system is back online.
  • Monitoring and Management: To begin with, most of the message brokers have been found to possess monitoring and management capabilities via which administrators can check the flow of the messages, and monitor performance factors as well as the configuration of the system. This is how the system performance is improved and solving issues is brought down a notch.

Advantages of Message Brokers

Here are some advantages:

  • Load Balancing: Message brokers have the capability of distributing messages among multiple consumers evenly to alike out the workload and to not have any single consumer to be overstrained. From a balanced processor load perspective, this distribution enables efficient resource utilization and prevents slow systems.
  • Integration: These counsel message platforms allow different components/services to communicate with one another. They themselves act as a medium or a standard means of interchange between the different systems providing a way to integrate the entire process through communication that allows the system to exchange data freely thus promoting interoperability and collaboration.
  • Protocol Transformation: Mediators frequently will enable protocol transformation and therefore make messages in one format amongst another protocol to be transmitted into another format or protocol. This capability including the communication between the systems is ensured if they use only the common standards or technologies.
  • Message Filtering and Routing: Awareness can be effectively created by strategically selecting the target audience, crafting the messages, and corresponding distribution. This ensures the efficiency of the systems.

Use Cases of Message Brokers

Here are some examples:

  • Microservices Architecture: In addition, message brokers enable a microservices feature communication between services based on which independent scalability and evolution occurs on another component are possible without triggering service disruptions.
  • E-commerce Platforms: The essence of message brokers meets in tackling multiple functions in an e-comerce platform, including order processing, inventory management, and notifications, which are meant to facilitate smooth communication among these different parts of the platform.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): For successful functioning of IoT systems, message brokers which manage huge quantity of information coming from connected devices should be included in the system design so that real-time data processing, device managemet and integration with analysis and control systems can be achieved.
  • Financial Services: For example, message brokers can play a critical role in financial services for activities like real-time trading, transaction processing and risk management. Successfully they will ensure the communication is seamless between trading platforms, market data delivery and order execution systems, with a possibility to achieve very low latency and a high throughput traffic.
  • Log Processing and Analytics: Log brokers act as middlewares in log processing and analytics systems to collect data from their surroundings, combine it all and perform the analysis in real-time, catching the anomalies, and optimizing system performance. They are of the aid in the era of big data increased volume and variety of data.

Types of Message Brokers

Some common types include:

1. Enterprise Message Brokers:

These service providers provide strong message brokers, with support for enterprise-level applications, and sometimes even additional features like message persistence, high availability, message transformation, or support for different messaging protocols including IBM MQ, ActiveMQ, and Service Bus coming from Microsoft Azure.

2. Apache Kafka:

Kafka deals with data processing in the form of events, most non-traditional messengers can’t manage as fast as Kafka. It is very scalable, fault-tolerant, and optimized(provided) for high-throughput data streaming. The latter is an important feature for real-time applications. It is Kafka that gives data appendage, event collection, and real-time analytics such a boost.

3. RabbitMQ:

Among the most popular messaging brokers, RabbitMQ is an open-source messenger that can work on three messaging protocols – AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP. It is famous for its beauty, functionality, and promptness. RabbitMQ’s feature queue of messages, routing of messages, and provision of clustering make it useful in many cases such as microservices, IoT, and publish-subscribe communication.

4. ActiveMQ:

Given Apeeritable Apache ActiveMQ is also an open-source message broker which implements the Java Message Service (JMS) API. It is comprised of message queuing, publish-subscribe messaging, and message persistence. ActiveMQ is a popular messaging solution in Java applications and also allows adding integrations to various programming languages and platforms.

5. Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS):

SSQS, offered by AWS, which offers scalable message queuing with the event and data processing and support of admistration overhead. So that made it easy to integrate this for cloud native app that connect with other AWS services.

6. Google Cloud Pub/Sub:

Google Cloud’s Pub/Sub features event-based messaging using loosely coupled implementation that makes the communication of apps scalable and reliable and consists of message queuing, real-time messaging, and subscriptions for push and pull, which especial makes the performance become globally iterable.

7. Microsoft Azure Service Bus:

The Azure Service Bus is a service which operates on PaaS platform, and is offered by Microsoft Azure. This service provides message queuing, publish-subscribe messaging, and gives advanced routing and makes it significantly easier to integrate it with other components provided by Azure for hybrid cloud environments.

Popular Message Broker Technologies

Some popular message broker technologies widely used in the industry include:

  • Apache Kafka:
    • Kafka is a distributed handling platform that has a reputation for being able to handle high rates, is fault-tolerant, and tracks in real-time.
    • It is mainly used for building ETL processes, real-time data pipelines, event-triggered architecture, and streamwise within the applications.
  • RabbitMQ:
    • RabbitMQ messaging broker is a free software application that allows for non-blocking transmission of data and utilizes protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP.
    • The cloud computing service is widely known for being easy to use, reliable, and being flexible.
    • Microservice design, asynchronous communication, and IoT often require RabbitMQ as a messaging-as-a-service.
  • Apache ActiveMQ:
    • Servicing the Java Message Service (JMS), ActiveMQ is an open-source message broker.
    • It comes with deals like message queuing, publish-subscribe messaging, and message resilience.
    • The ActiveMQ is universal in Java-based applications with the same capacity of integration with other programming languages and platforms.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS):
    • SQS is a completely managed messaging queuing solution created and offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
    • It provides you with a message queuing service that is easily scalable, scalable, and highly available, one-click deployment through our admin experience.
    • SQS-asynchronous messaging service is good enough for cloud-native applications and provides smooth integration with other services of AWS.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub:
    • Pub/Sub is a service offered by Google Cloud Platform(GCP) for allowing independent applications to have scalable and reliable event-driven communication which makes the interaction of applications easy.
    • It is equipped with items like message queuing, instant messaging, and client callback as well as client pull and push subscriptions.
    • The Pub/sub philosophy is centered on the provision of high availability, low latency, and global scalability.

Best practices for Message Brokers

Best practices for using message brokers effectively include:

  • Clear Messaging Patterns: Probably the most powerful in terms of on demand data streaming Kafka would be this distributed platform that can handle high- rate of data, mission critical data and at the same time run real-time monitoring too. A significant part of ETL operations, event-driven architecture, data pipelines in real-time may be supported by rest minute of the variety this data technology.
  • Proper Message Schema Design: RabbitMQ, as a broker for data messaging employing AMQP and MQTT protocols, STOMP and other can provide unblocked data transmission and will be used as a messaging actor for microservices, asynchronous communication and sensors data acquisition.
  • Message Size Consideration: Make sure what you send is no more than 10 megabyte or so. This is really crucial when the systems are located in different areas, for instance, over internet, or when the systems have limited bandwidth, or in general, insufficient resource access. The volume of message data ought to be kept tiny, thus junk data ought not to be sent via a channel. This will lower down the network overhead and result in enhanced performance.
  • Error Handling and Retry Mechanisms: To flesh out the try enumerate exception type errors as well as time retries evaluate the possibility of message processing failure can be controlled. Incorporate the appropriate types of retries, backoffs as well as others that will be used to manage transient errors and will ensure the reliability of the message transport system.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: A continual message that has to be monitored, tracked and alerts that are issued to the users continuously about transmission, reception, and reception time errors or oddities. Split network performance in parts by making sure that the broker is well-situated, that the queue depths are reasonable, and that the consumer lag is minimal, in order to be able to detect and fix problems right away.

Real-world examples

Here are some real-world examples of how message brokers are used in various industries:

  • Financial Services:
    • Major message broker products, like Apache Kafka, demonstrate outstanding capability for high speed data processing & enhanced order flow in financial systems.
    • Consider the central counterparty as Kafka’s giant stock market exchange where millions of transactions are performed in real-time.
    • Because this allows for low latency trading and ensures the integrity of distributed data.
  • E-commerce:
    • E-commerce web environments have to mesh with powerful brokers such RabbitMQ or Amazon SQS ,therefore ensuring product processing requests are adequately dealt, availability of stock is well maintained ,and shipping information is delivered in a error free manner.
    • Let us consider the case of a personnel who places order and without a delay does the system make the changes in stock level and shipping process thanks to the use of message brokers.
  • Telecommunications:
    • For the domain worked on by voice providers, the parties of this realm include the notification, payments, and network management to telecom companies that act as message brokers or cloud-based services such as ActiveMQ and Google.
    • In essence this means, there will be innumerable message brokers that will tend to and manage the connection between the different individual component parts of the network system. In particular, it will send signal messages when an emission takes place.
  • Healthcare:
    • Healthcare organizations leverage RabbitMQs message brokers or Microsoft Azure Service Bus to handle patients’ data, medical device integration, and communication contamination between healthcare providers.
    • This can be demonstrated using a typical example whereby patient monitoring systems are positioned to forward through the message brokers vital signs information to electronic health records (EHR) systems of the involved hospitals at all times.

Differences between Message Brokers & Message Queues

Below are the differences between message brokers and message queues:


Message Brokers

Message Queues


Middleware platform that routes messages.

Data structure for storing and managing messages.


Acts as an intermediary for message exchange.

Stores and forwards messages between producers and consumers.

Communication Model

Supports various communication patterns (pub-sub, point-to-point).

Primarily supports point-to-point messaging.


Often designed for horizontal scaling across multiple instances.

Scales vertically by adding more resources to the queue.

Message Persistence

Typically offers persistent message storage.

Messages may or may not be persisted, depending on the implementation.

Message Transformation

Often supports message transformation and enrichment.

Limited support for message transformation.

Protocol Support

Supports multiple messaging protocols (e.g., AMQP, MQTT, STOMP).

Typically supports a single messaging protocol (e.g., AMQP, JMS).


Provides more flexibility in message routing and delivery.

Offers less flexibility due to simpler queuing model.


Generally more complex due to additional features and functionalities.

Often simpler and easier to manage.


Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ.

Amazon SQS, IBM MQ, Microsoft Azure Service Bus.