What are Non-financial Performance Metrics for Procurement?

Most organizations set savings as their main procurement objective, but after a team reaches a particular maturity level of the process, it’s critical to include critical metrics for monitoring non-financial objectives. Procurement must be in line with the company’s strategy and goal, and it most certainly has the potential to directly influence some strategic objectives of its growth. At that point, procurement teams must start optimizing beyond cost reductions and quantifying contributions as per requirement in ways other than monetary ones. Today’s teams have shifted their focus to include assessing non-financial performance as a component of their overall strategy to grow the business process.

What are Non-Financial Performance Metrics for Procurement?

Most of the non-financial measures are the place to seek for organizations that wish to demonstrate value beyond cost savings in all stages.

  1. The forward-looking facets of the company, such as innovation, diversity, and social responsibility, are typically the emphasis of these measures to control all the aspects.
  2. So, procurement has the potential to greatly influence various business sectors, but demonstrating how you are helping to achieve these objectives can be challenging to progress.

Importance of Non-Financial Performance Metrics for Procurement or Businesses

Financial measurement frequently inquires about the effect of procurement contributions of any organization on the P&L statement. Non-financial measurements are very valuable and important to maintain the ratio. The reasons are:

  1. Non-financial metrics: Non-financial metrics that aren’t financial can be connected to other facets of any business’s strategy and goal.
  2. Integration with Financial KPIs: The financial KPIs get perspective when non-financial measures are added to maintain the overall process.
  3. Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses: Every company can identify areas of weakness and emphasize the strengths of the key skills by tracking the required non-financial data.

Working with Non-Financial Metrics

The non-financial measurements are very much useful for a variety of reasons like most of the KPIs. This information may support the predictions to help the assess company’s overall strategy as well as identify triumphs and failures, and help to put employee feedback and growth plans into action from time to time.

  1. Non-financial metrics are a great way for procurement teams to inform all the required and maintainable strategic strategies. Timeliness and daily goal-setting are easier for the procurement teams.
  2. Above all, procurement may more properly track its progress towards the bigger corporate goals and better align with them to achieve the overall goal of the organization.

Examples of Non-Financial Performance Metrics

The non-financial indicators are particular to the company and ought to be created with the particular industry and business objectives in mind to grow more. To help the particular organization get started, here are some categories and examples given:

1. Corporate or Social Responsibility (CSR)

Businesses that practice corporate social responsibility make a deliberate effort to conduct their operations in a way that improves society and the environment as per requirement rather than degrades it. In addition to enhancing societal aspects and overall growth, corporate social responsibility (CSR) can assist businesses in projecting a positive image.

2. Environmental or Social governance (ESG)

The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework is utilized to evaluate how well an organization performs on a range of ethical and sustainable business challenges to grow more. It also offers a means of quantifying commercial opportunities and risks as per requirements in those domains.

3. Reduced supplier risk management system

The overall process of locating, evaluating, and mitigating risks that could have an impact on an organization’s suppliers is known as supplier risk management, or SRM at the industry level. These dangers may include operational blunders, data breaches, and other interruptions to the company depending on goals and achievements.

4. Cost Avoidance

Preserving current spending to avoid the extra price rises brought on by economic factors, inflation, or the growing cost of goods and services to supply good services is known as cost avoidance. Purchasing an extended equipment warranty to reduce the overall maintenance costs or out-of-pocket charges is an ideal example of cost avoidance for a business or industry level.

5. Purchasing from Fair Trade

To seek out certificates and labels that attest to fair trade practices as per requirement, such as those from the World Fair Trade Organization, Fairtrade International, or Fair Trade Certified as well. Verify whether the supplier or brand discloses its required sourcing policies, has an open supply chain, and offers details on the overall working conditions.

How to Start a Non-Financial Measurement Strategy?

For today’s buyers, measuring the overall non-financial success is essential. It is unsustainable to only monitor the cash gains, and it fails to provide a clear picture of the value that procurement teams add to an organization to look at some clear information.

Here the points are how the organization can put the non-financial approach into action.

  1. KPI Selection: Need to decide which KPIs will be used to gauge the performance of the organization’s goals and which ones wish to monitor clearly.
  2. Strategic Goals and Objectives: Identify the main strategic goals and objectives of the company.
  3. Benchmark Data Collection: Collect the required benchmark data so anyone can assess the overall progress.
  4. Identification of Important Projects: To help the company achieve its strategic objectives, identify important projects as needed.
  5. Project Progress Tracking: Track the progress of the projects.
  6. Timely Communication to Relevant Parties: Inform the relevant parties timely.

Advantages of Tracking Non-Financial Performance Measures

  1. Understanding Strengths and Limitations: Businesses can better understand their strengths and limitations by examining these measures to improve their performance.
  2. Tracking Performance: The ability to track business performance is one of the key advantages of adopting non-financial performance measurements in the company.
  3. Assisting Employee Success and Goal Attainment: These metrics are also an excellent means of assisting employees in attaining success achieving the goal and being in line with the overarching corporate plan.
  4. Incorporating External Risks: Measures of non-financial performance also take into account external risks, such as fluctuations in the market or unanticipated world events which allow companies to gain a clear overview of their performance, with any external factors included in this outlook as per requirement.

Disadvantages of Tracking Non-Financial Performance Measures

  1. Management Team Workload: Using a wide range of non-financial performance measurements could result in more work for the management team and goal.
  2. Resource Commitment for Non-financial Criteria: Businesses that prioritize an excessive number of non-financial performance criteria may discover that doing so requires a significant time and money commitment to process overall requirements.
  3. Accuracy Challenges in Qualitative Metrics: Determining the accuracy can occasionally be difficult because the metrics are usually very much qualitative rather than quantitative.


The procurement performance evaluation or process extends beyond the balance sheet. Non-financial measures highlight the overall value of connections, quality, risk management, efficiency, innovation, and social responsibility, giving a procurement department’s skills a more comprehensive picture as per requirement or growth. By including these measures in performance reviews, an organization’s overall success and sustainability can be better understood from the relational point of view of procurement. The metrics used to assess a company’s performance and achievements must change with it. A shift in emphasis toward non-financial indicators is a step in the direction of a more sophisticated and progressive approach as per the requirement for procurement excellence.