What are Positive and Negative Numbers?

Numbers are the mathematical values or figures used for the purpose of measuring or calculating quantities. It is also represented by numerals as 3, 4, 8, etc. Some other examples of numbers are whole numbers, integers, natural numbers, rational and irrational numbers, etc.

The system includes different types of numbers for example prime numbers, odd numbers, even numbers, rational numbers, whole numbers, etc. is termed a number system. These types of numbers can be expressed in the form of figures as well as words accordingly.

For example, the numbers like 55 and 75 expressed in the form of figures can also be written as fifty-five and seventy-five.

A numeral system or Number system is defined as an elementary system to express numbers and figures. It is the unique way to represent numbers in arithmetic and algebraic structure.

It is used in various arithmetic values applicable to carry out various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc which are applicable in daily lives for the purpose of calculation. The number value is determined by the digit, its place value in the number, and the base of the number system.  

Generally, Numbers are also known as numerals which are the mathematical values used for counting, measurements, labelling, and measuring fundamental quantities.

Numbers have been classified into two types:

Positive numbers, Negative numbers: and further classified into different types such as natural number, rational number, whole numbers, decimal numbers, integers etc  

Positive numbers: Positive numbers are the numbers which are greater than zero that lies on the right side of the number line. Example: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…

Negative numbers: Negative numbers are the numbers which are less than zero that lies on the left side of the number line. Example:  …  -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 

What are Positive and Negative Numbers?


Negative positive is sometimes negative sometimes positive because when we add two digits with the different operand then the resulting sign will be of the higher digit . whether its negative or positive.

Example: If we add -8 & 7  then 

    – 8 + 7 = -1 

If we reverse -7 + 8 = 1 

in this way negative positive leads to different result depends on higher operand.

There are certain rules of negative positive 

if we add two positive numbers then will get positive number 

                                         (+) + (+) = +

if we add one positive and one negative number then higher operand will be the answer 

                                         (+) + (-) = ± whichever is on higher side or 

if we add two negative numbers then the result will be in negative 

                                        (-) + (-) = –           or -5 + (-9)  = -5 -9  = -14

if we multiply one positive and one negative number then the result will always be negative 

                                        5 × (-5) = -25    

if  we divide  one positive and one negative number then the result will always be negative                 

                                       4/(-2) = -2       or (-4)/2 = -2

Sample Questions

Question 1: Add 5 and – 7?


If we add one positive and one negative number then higher operand will be the answer .

add 5 & -7 

= 5 + (-7)

first open the bracket 

= 5 – 7 

= -2 

Question 2: Add 7 and – 5?


If we add one positive and one negative number then higher operand will be the answer.

add 7 & – 5

= 7 + (-5)

first open the bracket

= 7 – 5

= 2

Question 3: Add – 8 & – 9.


Add -8 & -9 

= -8 + -(9)

First open the brackets

= -8 -9

= -17

Question 4: Multiply – 8 × 5?


If we multiply one positive and one negative number then the result will always be negative 

therefore = -8 × 5

                = -40

Question 5: Divide -8  by 2?


If we divide one positive and one negative number then the result will always be negative .


= -8/2

= -4