What are some limitations of using react-native-cli for instantiating a project ?

React Native CLI helps you to set up a react native project and provide control over the management of the project locally. 

Syntax to create a project:

npx react-native init ProjectName

Though react-native-cli is not the only way to create a react-native project. Expo is another bundle of tools that help you create a react-native project in the fastest way. Due to other tools in competition with cli, there are some major limitations that we have to face while working on a project built with react-native-cli. 

These are some of the major limitations of using react-native-cli in your project:

  • To build cross-platform mobile applications you need both Xcode and Android Studio to run React Native projects. This is a big problem for windows users because IOS emulators are not available on windows machines. Whereas Mac users can have both Android Studio and XCode. Thus, You can’t develop an app for iOS unless you have a mac.
  • The process of deploying apps on the Apple Store/Google Play Store is difficult and time-consuming. For example, you have to handle your app keys, signing credentials, and certificates. Whereas if you are using expo-cli instead of react-native-cli then you don’t have to deal with all of this mess. Thus providing you with more development time instead of wasting time on other things. 
  • It is difficult to set up deep linking. Deep linking is the process of using a URI(uniform resource identifier) that links to a specific location within a mobile application. This URL or resource can be used to open a specific page within the application. It provides a better user experience. 
  • You have to install and link with, for example, npm Push-Notifications, and Asset Manager.
  • Setting up a working project in react-native-cli consumes can be time-consuming. It is a delicate process that requires your full focus. You have to maintain complicated device configurations. You need to manage the correct SDKs and set the environment variables for the correct functioning of your application.
  • To test your application on a physical phone you need to perform USB debugging. To perform USB debugging you need to connect your phone with a physical USB cable. Whereas if you are using expo-cli for your project you can debug your application wirelessly. 
  • If you are using different fonts in your application then, you need to manually import these fonts to Xcode. 
  • Setting up a project in react-native-cli requires a basic knowledge of Android and iOS folder structure.
  • Sharing your application with others is inconvenient. You have to build the whole  .apk or .ipa file before sharing it with someone. 
  • It is difficult to upgrade to new versions of React Native. conflicts can occur which can be hard to debug at times. 

Conclusion: If you are using react-native-cli for your project then you will be spending a lot of time setting things up which reduces overall code time.