What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Forest?

Random Forest Algorithm is a strong and popular machine learning method with a number of advantages as well as disadvantages. It is an efficient method for handling a range of tasks, such as feature selection, regression, and classification.

It works with the aid of constructing an ensemble of choice timber and combining their predictions. In this article, we can find out about the advantages and disadvantages of the Random Forest algorithm, providing an expertise of each its strengths and weaknesses.

What is Random Forest Algorithm?

In supervised machine learning applications, Random Forest is a flexible and powerful ensemble learning technique that is especially useful for classification and regression issues. During the training phase, it builds a large number of decision trees and outputs the mean prediction (for regression) or the mode of the classes (for classification) of each individual tree. Random Forest is an appealing choice for many real-world applications because it is resistant to noise and outliers, manages high-dimensional datasets effectively and yields estimates of feature relevance.

How Random Forest Works?

Random Forest operates by constructing multiple decision trees during training and outputs the mode of the classes (classification) or the mean prediction (regression) of the individual trees. The underlying principle involves creating a diverse set of trees and combining their predictions to improve overall accuracy and robustness. The steps involved:

  1. Choose random samples: Random Forest begins by creating multiple bootstrap samples from the original dataset. Each sample is obtained by randomly selecting data points with replacement. This process generates diverse subsets, allowing different trees to see different variations of the data.
  2. Decision Tree: For each bootstrap sample, a decision tree is constructed. However, Random Forest introduces randomness during the tree-building process. At each node, instead of considering all features, a random subset of features is considered for splitting. This introduces diversity among the trees, preventing them from being overly correlated.
  3. Voting (Classification) or Averaging (Regression): Once all decision trees are constructed, they collectively make predictions. In the case of classification, each tree ‘votes’ for a class, and the class with the majority of votes becomes the final prediction. For regression, the predictions from all trees are averaged to obtain the final output.
  4. Evaluation: Choose the predicted result that received the most votes to be the final outcome.

Advantages of Random Forest Algorithm

  • High Accuracy: Using several decision trees, each trained on a distinct subset of the data, Random Forest aggregates their predictions. Random Forest lessens the variation associated with individual trees, resulting in predictions that are more accurate, by averaging (for regression) or voting (for classification) the predictions of these trees. When using an ensemble approach instead of a single decision tree model, accuracy is typically higher.
  • Robustness to Noise: As Random Forest combines the forecasts of several decision trees, it is resilient to noisy data. Because noisy data points are unlikely to alter the forecasts of every tree in the forest, they have a lower chance of affecting the overall performance of the model. Random Forest works well with datasets that contain outliers or intrinsic noise because of its robustness.
  • Non-Parametric Nature: Random Forest approach is non-parametric, which means it does not assume anything about the distribution of the data at the root level or the correlation between the target variable and characteristics. Due to its adaptability, Random Forest may be applied to a variety of datasets and problem areas and can identify intricate patterns in the data without imposing rigid limitations.
  • Estimating Feature Importance: Random Forest calculates a feature’s importance by taking into account the relative contributions of each feature to the overall variance (for regression) or impurity (for classification) reduction of all the trees in the forest. Features are considered more significant when they regularly result in a larger reduction of impurities or variance. This data can direct feature selection or dimensionality reduction efforts and aid in determining which characteristics are most relevant for prediction.
  • Handles Missing Data and Outliers: Random Forest does not require the use of data preprocessing methods like imputation or outlier removal in order to handle missing data and outliers. Every decision tree is trained using a random subset of the input, and the technique naturally handles missing values. As outliers are unlikely to affect the forecasts of every tree in the forest, they have less of an effect on the performance of the model as a whole.
  • Handles Both Numerical and Categorical Data: Without the use of feature engineering strategies like one-hot encoding, Random Forest is capable of handling a combination of numerical and categorical characteristics. The method can handle both types of data without bias since it automatically chooses random subsets of features for each decision tree during training.

Disadvantages of Random Forest Algorithm

  • Computational Complexity: Using a large number of trees in the forest or training a Random Forest model on a large dataset can be computationally expensive. Since each tree is trained separately, it takes a lot of computing power to aggregate its predictions. This can lead to greater memory utilization and training times, especially on systems with limited resources.
  • Memory Usage: Random Forest models have a tendency to use a lot of memory, particularly when working with big datasets or deeply rooted trees. The training data, feature splits, and leaf node predictions must all be stored in each decision tree in the forest. Memory utilization rises with the number of trees or the depth of the trees, which may cause memory limitations on some hardware systems.
  • Prediction Time: Random Forest models can take longer to make predictions than certain other algorithms, even though they are more effective at training. This is particularly true for large datasets or models with a lot of trees. To get a final forecast, each observation must navigate through several decision trees in the forest. This might lengthen the prediction time, especially for real-time or latency-sensitive applications.
  • Lack of Interpretability: As Random Forest models integrate several decision timber, it is able to be difficult to understand the logic underlying each prediction, that’s why they may be sometimes referred to as ‘black-box’ models. Although characteristic significance measures can assist pick out the most essential features, it is able to be tough to recognize the tricky relationships between features and the way they have an effect on predictions.
  • Overfitting: Random Forest can suffer from overfitting when the model captures noise in the training data, leading to poor generalization on new data. The algorithm’s ability to fit the training data too closely can result in reduced performance on unseen instances, compromising its predictive accuracy in real-world scenarios.


The Random Forest algorithm can be difficult to understand and computationally complex, despite its excellent accuracy, noise resistance, and adaptability to a wide range of jobs. Despite those drawbacks, it’s miles a beneficial device for plenty gadget learning packages due to its ability to deal with complicated datasets and resistance to overfitting.

It is vital for practitioners to understand the benefits and downsides of Random Forest as a way to make well-informed choices whilst selecting algorithms for their initiatives.