What Are the Consequences of Not Freezing Layers in Transfer Learning?

Answer: Not freezing layers in transfer learning can lead to the loss of valuable pre-trained knowledge and may result in overfitting to the new dataset.

When not freezing layers in transfer learning, several consequences may arise:

  1. Loss of Pre-trained Knowledge: The primary purpose of transfer learning is to leverage knowledge learned from a source task or dataset. If layers are not frozen, the model can overwrite or modify the pre-trained weights, potentially losing valuable information encoded in those layers.
  2. Overfitting: Without freezing layers, the model has more parameters to adjust during training, increasing the risk of overfitting, especially when the target dataset is small or significantly different from the source dataset. The model may learn specific features of the source dataset that are irrelevant or noisy in the target dataset.
  3. Increased Training Time and Resource Consumption: Unfrozen layers require additional training time and computational resources since the model needs to adjust the parameters in those layers along with the new task. This can significantly increase training time, especially for deep neural networks.
  4. Difficulty in Adaptation: If the source and target domains are very different, allowing all layers to be trainable from scratch might not lead to effective knowledge transfer. The model may struggle to adapt to the nuances of the new dataset without guidance from pre-trained layers.
  5. Reduced Generalization Performance: Training all layers without freezing can lead to poorer generalization performance on the target task since the model might focus more on memorizing the source dataset rather than learning relevant features that generalize well.


Not freezing layers in transfer learning can result in the loss of pre-trained knowledge, increased risk of overfitting, longer training times, difficulty in adaptation to new datasets, and reduced generalization performance. To mitigate these consequences, it’s crucial to carefully choose which layers to freeze based on the similarity between the source and target domains and the size of the target dataset.