What are the differences between web-garden and a web-farm in JavaScript?

Web Garden: A web garden is a web hosting system in which an application pool can be configured while also specifying the number of worker processes for that pool. (An application Pool is the container of worker process) So, a web garden is basically used while hosting multiple processes on a single web server.

Web Farm: A web farm is a web hosting system wherein multiple web servers are available for multiple clients. The main idea behind web farms is to avoid traffic and allow smooth availability of resources to all the clients. So, a web farm is basically used while hosting a single web application on multiple web servers to distribute the load among them.

Differences between web-garden and a web-farm:

Web Garden Web Farm
It consists of multiple “processes”. It consists of multiple “computers”.
Web Garden consists of a single server on which any number of processes can be run. Web Farm has the ability to runs across multiple servers.
This provides logical scalability to web applications. This provides physical scalability to web applications.
Web Garden requires less amount of physical space. Web Farm helps to improve performance in some cases.
It needs aMachine.Configfile to group together multiple web servers. A Web Farm uses a load balancer to group together multiple web servers.
A Web Garden is achieved by enabling multiple worker processes for single application pool. But the Web Farm is achieved by using load balancer with virtual IP.
It provides better application availability compare to Web Farm. But Web Farm provides high availability compare to Web Garden.