What are the Major Iron Ore Belts in India?

The major iron ore belts which are situated in India include Orissa- Jharkhand belt, Durg-Bastar-Chandarpur belt, Bellary- Chitradurga-Chimaglur-Tumkur belt, and Maharashtra- Goa belt. Iron metal is the commonest of all minerals. Taking into account its convenience and measure of depo­sition, it is unrivaled among the minerals. Wherever on the earth, some measure of iron mineral is found, however, its gigantic focus happens in a couple of nations. Since Industrial Revolu­tion, the utilization of iron minerals expanded at such a huge rate that soon the creation of iron metal got needed in created industrialized countries with a monstrous increment of iron and steel industry, creation of iron metal became inseparable from the advancement of the country.

Lately, iron metal creation, nonetheless, is continuously declining with declining pro­duction as the Iron and Steel industry is presently viewed as a ‘Dusk Industry’. In spite of its rela­tive declining significance in conventional delivering nations, it is as yet the pillar of industri­alization — especially in agricultural nations, where creation is as yet expanding consistently.

Major Iron Belts in India

Major Areas of Iron Belt

Major Iron Ore Belts in India

The significant iron metal belts in India are given underneath :

Orissa-Jharkhand belt

Since Seasons of the Jones (1934), the Iron metal stores of Orissa and Jharkhand definitely stand out due to their being high grade and huge size. Here mining is finished by straightforward quarrying. On the off chance that the current day creation of an exceptionally high scale, these metal stores, then would be depleted soon. This might make it basic to mine out lower cut-off grades and furthermore go for metal beneficiation.

In India, the majority of the Proterozoic iron metal stores are stratiform and hematitic like the remainder of the world. The planar elements of the metal bodies are lined up with the bedding of BIF. Conflicts are for the most part missing and fine-grained shales exist above and beneath BIF. In the field, the metal bandings are slender or thick (from mm to even 0.3 m.) and are lined up with bedding of BIF, to begin with, and subsequently produce silt type-stratiform store.

These stores are for the most part connected with sedimentary BIFs of the Achaean to Proterozoic age; the grade of stores increments with time. Each store is consistent, uniform, and homogeneous, in light of their substance sedimentary characters, and incorporates the gangue minerals which downsize the nature of the stores. Consequently, essential and auxiliary cycle redesign stores by improving the grade because of beneficiation are currently being embraced by a few mining organizations working in the locale.

Durga Bastar Chandrapur belt

Iron is one of the significant ferrous minerals and is viewed as the foundation of all development exercises. Hematite, one of the four iron minerals is generally ordinarily utilized and is found in the Bastar locale of Chhattisgarh. This iron mineral has the best actual properties of steel making and is traded to Japan and South Korea. Different states containing significant belts of hematite metal in India are Orissa, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka. The minor stores are situated in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Assam.

It lies in the eastern and western territories of India. Iron metals from these mines are traded through the significant port of Andhra Pradesh. One of the states in which it is found is East-Central India which is known for its sanctuaries and cascades. It has the best actual properties required for steel making. It is one of the significant iron belts of India. The Bailadila scope of slopes in the Bastar area of Chhattisgarh contains 14 stores of high-grade haematite from metal.

The attributes of the Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur iron-metal belt are :

  • It lies in Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.
  • Extremely high-grade haematite metals are found in the renowned Bailadila scopes of slopes in the Bastar locale.
  • The scope of slopes includes 14 stores of really high-grade hematite iron minerals.
  • The iron mineral removed from these mines has the best actual properties required for steel making.
  • Iron metal from these mines is sent out to Japan and South Korea through the Vishakhapatnam port.
  • Great hematite is found in the Bastar area of Chhattisgarh.
  • This great of iron found in this space is utilized for steel making.
  • The iron from this Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur iron mineral belt is traded to South Korea and Japan through the port of Vishakhapatnam.

Bellary Chitradurga Chikmaglur Tumkur belt 

Kudremukha is a mountain range and is the name of a pinnacle situated in the Chikkamagaluru locale of Karnataka, India. The name Kudremukha in Kannada signifies ‘horse-face’ and it alludes to a beautiful perspective on the side of the mountain top which looks like a pony’s face.

The province of Karnataka is exceptionally bountiful in various mineral assets. It is viewed as one of the most mineral-rich territories of India. The mineral belt of Karnataka is spread over an area of around 1.92 lakh sq. km covering 29 regions of the state. Karnataka is additionally blessed with the greenstone belt with the presence of important mineral assets like gold, silver, iron metal, copper, manganese, dolomite, limestone, asbestos, kaolin, bauxite, chromite, and stone.

The Kudremukh town was essentially created as an iron-mineral mining town where the mining is done by the public authority-run organization Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd. (KIOCL). It is a public area organization that worked for very nearly 30 years however was closed down in 2006 because of ecological issues. The organization proposed an arrangement to present the eco-the travel industry nearby and furthermore demanded the land rent be recharged for quite a long time. Notwithstanding, earthy people went against this thought for the explanation that the region ought to be given a chance to rest and to totally recover. Accordingly, the mining lease slipped by on 24 July 1999. Since Kudremukha is available in the Chikmaglur region, subsequently we can reason that the Kudremukh mines are situated in the iron mineral belt of Bellary-Chitradurga-Chikmaglur-Tumkur in the province of Karnataka.

Maharashtra- Goa Belt

The Maharashtra- Goa belt uses the Marmagao Belt for the purpose of exporting iron ore. The extraction of iron ore does make it commercially more suitable for export. The belt also includes the states of Goa and the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What are the major iron ore belts in India?


The major iron ore belts in India include Orissa- Jharkhand belt, Durg-Bastar-Chandarpur belt, Bellary- Chitradurga-Chimaglur-Tumkur belt, and Maharashtra- Goa belt.

Q 2. What is the major iron ore in India?


The major iron ore in India includes hematite and magnetite.

Q 3. Which one is the highest iron ore producer belt of India?


The highest iron ore producer belt of India is Karnataka which is followed by Orissa, Chattisgarh, Goa as well as Jharkhand.