What are the significant features of National Population Policy of 2000?

India represents its second spot in the most elevated populace in the world and this made India send off the National family arranging a program in 1952, however, the rate of birth began diminishing, demise rate likewise diminished strongly which prompted a general expansion in the populace. Here by where parliament got the National populace strategy 2000.

The National populace strategy 2000 means to accomplish long-haul financial development, destitution annihilation, natural insurance, and excellent social administrations. It further intends to find some kind of harmony between populace development and asset accessibility and to work on everybody’s useful wellbeing at each phase of their lives. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s National Family Planning Program is directed by the standards of the National Population Policy 2000 and supervises its execution. The help conveyance information under this program is three-sided, and the program is consistently inspected through yearly survey gatherings, support really take a look at visits, and general audit missions.

The Government of India sent off the National Population Policy in 2000 to elevate the expectations for everyday comforts of individuals of India and furnish them with equivalent chances to become useful people in the public arena. India sent off its most memorable program in 1952 to address the requirement for family arranging, subsequently turning into the principal country on the planet. The public authority felt that regenerative medical services, which give essential and optional instruction, were a course of making open and reasonable to all. This is important to construct a manageable improvement model.

NPP 2000 was intended to make a steady populace according to its financial development by 2045. Different parts of the NPP incorporate gathering neglected needs for contraception and medical care conveyance, diminishing IMR and MMR, 80% institutional conveyance, lessening school dropouts, general training for youngsters between the ages of six and 14, mortality enlistment, births, and relationships, postpone in young ladies’ relationships and decreased richness rates by and large. The National Population Policy 2000 gives a strategy system to Providing free and mandatory school training for as long as 14 years, decreasing baby mortality to under 30 for every 1000 live births, admittance to inoculations for all immunization preventable infections, advancing deferred young ladies’ marriage and making a family-accommodating project.

NPP 200 has explicitly stressed the number of youngsters. Shielding youngsters from undesirable pregnancies and physically communicating infections, instructing them about the risks of risky sex. Making contraceptives open and available, giving dietary enhancements, healthful administrations, and fortifying legitimate measures to forestall kid marriage.

Significant features of the National Population Policy of 2000

  • It repeats the Government’s choice to put accentuation on the willful and educated decision and agree regarding residents to amplify the advantages of conceptive wellbeing administrations.
  • It sets out a strategy system for the Government for the following decade to work on the conceptive and kid wellbeing necessities of individuals of India, including youngster endurance, maternal wellbeing, and contraception.
  • It underscores that school training up to the age of 14 ought to be made mandatory. This will incorporate an arrangement to forestall drop rates for both young men and young ladies.
  • The arrangement likewise intends to restrict the IMR to under 30 for every 1000 live births.
  • Maternal mortality ought to be diminished to under 100 for every 100,000 births. High MMR demonstrates monetary and social disparity of fair sex. It likewise focuses on expanded disparities in medical care and sustenance.
  • One more key component of the approach is to give all-inclusive inoculation to all youngsters against preventable illnesses. This strategy will neutralize kid marriage and urge young ladies to be 20 years old, the right age for marriage. The legitimate age for this is 18 years. The strategy targets 80% institutional conveyances and 100 percent conveyances of effectively prepared people. It likewise tries to accomplish 100 percent enrollment of births, passings, relationships, and pregnancies.
  • It assists with forestalling and controlling irresistible illnesses. It looks to connect with families, give conceptive and youngster wellbeing administrations, and coordinate Indian clinical frameworks.
  • It tries to endlessly coordinate every one of the exercises in the connected social circle so the general family prosperity and wellbeing can be kept up with and appropriately kept up with.
  • The job of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) clinical frameworks in accomplishing general wellbeing objectives is featured by NPP 2000.

NPP 2000 looked to have a significant impact on the mentality of individuals from the grassroots level. Its extreme spotlight on ladies’ strengthening has worked on numerous public insights. Despite the fact that there has been a colossal expansion in the number of institutional conveyances, there has not been an equal expansion in that frame of mind of medical services laborers.

Sample Questions 

Question 1: What are the primary goals of populace strategy?


The fundamental goal is to accomplish a steady populace at a level reliable with the prerequisites of supportable financial development, social turn of events, and ecological security. A few strategies have been formed in various Five-Year Plans by the Government of India for populace control.

Question 2:  What is the job of NPP 2000 in the existence of pre-adulthood?


NPP 2000 recognized pre-adulthood as one of the significant parts of the populace that needs more noteworthy consideration. Other than healthful necessities the arrangement puts a more noteworthy accentuation on the other significant requirements of young adults including Protection from undesirable pregnancies and physically communicated infections.

Question 3:  What are the components of populace strategy?


The center data remembered for the observing of populace arrangements incorporates two fundamental parts: The government view of populace size and development, populace age structure and spatial appropriation, and of the segment parts of richness, mortality, and movement which influence them.