What Do You Understand by Break in Monsoon?| Class 11

Break in Monsoon is a subpart of the Class 11 Geography Chapter Climate, Vegetation and Soil. The Break in Monsoon helps us to understand the process when monsoon rainfall stops for some days or weeks in the Indian Subcontinent.

In this article, we are going to discuss and understand the Break in Monsoon in detail.

What Do You Understand by Break in Monsoon?| Class 11

Break in Monsoon

The break of the monsoon generally happens due to the ITCZ or the oscillation of the monsoon. It is a gap of some days or months between the rainy season in the Indian Subcontinent in the months of July and August. At this certain time, rainfall stops in the whole Indian Subcontinent except some places like the Himalayan Regions, the Northeast Part Of India, and Some Parts of the South Indian region.

Break in Monsoon – Step By Step Process

Here is the step by step process how Break in Monsoon happens in the Indian Subcontinent as mentioned below.

Formation of the Monsoon Trough

  • In India, the season of monsoon can be characterized by the different monsoon troughs.
  • Generally, this trough starts from the Rajasthan and ends in West Bengal.
  • Due to the high solar insolation, a low-pressure area is created in the northeast region due to high air rise.

Movement of the Monsoon Trough

  • When monsoon arrives, this low pressure moves to the east side.
  • Specifically, it comes close to the Himalayan foothills.
  • It creates a high low-pressure zone that moves from the west to the east side in parallel to the Himalayas.

Shift of the Monsoon Trough

  • Monsoon through is a moving thing. It majorly shifts its position from the north side to the south.
  • This shifting nature of the Monsoon Trough is the major factor for the break in the monsoon season.

Northward Shift of the Monsoon Trough

  • The Northward Shift of the Monsoon Trough takes place when the monsoon starts to shift from the north side.
  • It creates an alignment with the Himalayan foothills that changes the pattern of the rainfall.

Cessation of Rains Over the Northern Plains

  • It is the situation when the Monsoon Trough was completely aligned with the Himalayan foothill.
  • At this movement, the rainfall stops in northern India.
  • Some places like the Himalayan Regions, the Northeast Part Of India, and Some Parts of the South Indian region receive rainfall at this time.

Significance of Monsoon Break

Monsoon break is a significat factor that effects the different secot of India as mentioned below.

  • Monsoon breaks have a significant impact on the agriculture. Indian agriculture system heavily relies on rainfall to perform the irrigation. Lack of rain effects the crop and daily livelihood of the farmers.
  • The northeast plain receives so much rain due to this time. It increases the chance of flood that can cause so many lives and properties.
  • Around 70 % of our water reserves are generally recycled by the Water Cycle. Due to the break in the monsoon, the water cycle breaks its continuity. The lack of proper water resources at this time, it hard for so many places to sustain their domestic work and power generation.

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Break in Monsoon- FAQs

What do you mean by break in monsoon Class 11?

A “break in monsoon” refers to the brief period where the monsoon rains cease for a few days or weeks, a phenomenon commonly seen in the Indian subcontinent. It is characterized by days or a week or two of dry spells while the Monsoon season is ongoing, during which there is little or no rainfall.

What do you understand by burst break of monsoons?

During the rainy season, a Monsoon Break happens when there is little or no rainfall for many days. A monsoon burst happens when it rains continuously for many days.

What is the break phase of monsoon?

Rainfall increase along the foothills of Himalayas, Northeast India and parts of the Southern Peninsula. Such a synoptic situation is known as the ‘break’ Monsoon period. along the monsoon trough or the ITCZ over this region.

What do you understand by break in summer monsoon?

The seasonal reversal in wind direction during a year is called monsoon. Monsoon tends to have ‘breaks’ in rainfall; which means that there are wet and dry spells in between. The monsoon rains take place only for a few days at a time and then come the rainless intervals.

What do you understand by monsoon?

A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean.

What is meant by bus stop monsoon and break of monsoon?

When the rain stops after a few hours and we see the clear sky it is termed as a break of the monsoon and when rain lasts for a long period of time it is termed as a burst of the monsoon. Burst of the monsoon is when normal rainfall increases suddenly and it lasts constantly for several days.