What Does A Project Manager Consultant Do? A Complete Guide

Project Manager Consultants are like project experts who keep an eye on various tasks for companies or clients. They know all about how to manage projects well, making sure everything goes smoothly from start to finish. Their job is to make sure projects get done right, on time, and within the budget that’s been set. They’re the ones who make sure everything runs smoothly, so the project can be successful.

Table of Content

  • Who is a Project Management Consultant?
  • What does a Project Manager Consultant do?
  • Skills of a Project Manager Consultant
  • Job Description of a Project Management Consultant
  • How to become a Project Manager Consultant?
  • Project Management Consultant vs Project Management Contractor
  • Average Salary of a Project Manager Consultant
  • Conclusion: Project Manager Consultant
  • FAQs on Project Manager Consultant

Who is a Project Management Consultant?

In order to develop and put into practice solutions related to process or quality enhancements, a project management consultant assumes the roles of planner, advisor, and project management team leader. A project management consultant offers their customer professional guidance. For companies who ask for it, this also provides project management advice and other sorts of assistance.

Project management consultants are an invaluable resource for any organization, as they facilitate the identification and correction of inefficiencies in workflows and processes by project stakeholders.

What does a Project Manager Consultant do?

The following list of duties and responsibilities explains “What does a project manager consultant do?”:

What does a Project Manager Consultant do

  1. Planning and Organizing Projects: Project Manager Consultants are like project organizers. They plan out everything that needs to be done for a project and make sure it happens smoothly. They divide the work into smaller tasks, assign them to team members, and set deadlines for each task.
  2. Talking with Everyone Involved: They’re the ones who talk to everyone involved in the project – the clients, the team members, and anyone else who needs to know what’s going on. They make sure everyone understands what they need to do and when they need to do it.
  3. Spotting and Dealing with Problems: Projects can run into problems, like running out of money or taking longer than expected. Project Manager Consultants are good at spotting these problems early and finding ways to fix them before they become big issues.
  4. Making Sure Things Are Done Right: They make sure that everything the team produces meets the standards set for the project. If something isn’t up to scratch, they work with the team to fix it.
  5. Leading and Encouraging the Team: Project Manager Consultants are also like team leaders. They help the team work well together and keep everyone motivated. They’re there to support team members, help them solve problems, and make sure they have what they need to do their jobs.
  6. Learning from Every Project: Once a project is finished, they take a close look at what went well and what could have been better. They learn from their experiences so they can do an even better job on the next project.

Skills of a Project Manager Consultant

Here are the following skills that are required for Project management Consultant:

  1. Knowing How to Manage Projects: Project Manager Consultants need to understand how projects work and how to make them successful. This means knowing different ways to plan and organize projects, set goals, and keep things on track.
  2. Communication Skills: Communication is really important for Project Manager Consultants. They need to be able to talk to lots of different people – like clients, team members, and others involved in the project – and make sure everyone knows what’s going on.
  3. Leadership Abilities: Project Manager Consultants often have to lead teams of people, so they need to be good leaders. This means knowing how to motivate and support their team, solve problems, and make sure everyone is working together well.
  4. Analytical Thinking: Sometimes things don’t go as planned in a project, and Project Manager Consultants need to be able to figure out what to do. This means being good at analyzing problems, coming up with solutions, and making smart decisions.
  5. Being Flexible: Projects can change quickly, so Project Manager Consultants need to be flexible. They need to be able to adapt to new situations, change plans if needed, and deal with unexpected problems.
  6. Time Management: Time is really important in projects, so Project Manager Consultants need to be good at managing it. They need to know how to prioritize tasks, make sure things get done on time, and keep track of deadlines.
  7. Negotiation Skills: Project Manager Consultants often have to negotiate with different people involved in the project. This means being good at finding solutions that work for everyone, dealing with disagreements, and making sure everyone is happy with the outcome.

Job Description of a Project Management Consultant

1. Job Brief

We’re looking for a skilled Project Management Consultant to join us. In this role, you’ll oversee and manage various projects in our organization. You’ll work with stakeholders to set project goals, plan strategies, and ensure smooth execution. If you’re good at solving problems and can lead and communicate well, we want you on our team.

2. Responsibilities

  • Work with stakeholders to decide project goals, scope, and what needs to be done.
  • Make detailed plans for projects, including timelines, budgets, and who will do what.
  • Lead project teams, give tasks to team members, and help them when they need it.
  • Keep an eye on projects to make sure they’re going as planned and fix any problems that come up.
  • Talk to clients often, keep them updated on progress, and handle any worries they have.
  • Look at how projects went when they’re done, learn from them, and find ways to do better next time.
  • Make sure everyone follows the rules and ways of doing things for projects.

3. Requirements

  • A degree in business, project management, or a related field.
  • Experience in project management, with a record of finishing projects on time and within budget.
  • Good at leading and talking to people, and can inspire and help project teams.
  • Organized, can do many things at once, and knows how to use resources well.
  • Knows how to use project management tools and software.
  • Can change plans if needed, and handle different tasks at once.
  • Cares about clients and can build strong relationships with them.
  • Having a project management certification like PMP or CAPM is a bonus.

How To ecome a Project Manager Consultant?

Here are the following steps that can be followed to become a project manager consultant:

  1. Get the Right Education: Start by getting a degree in a field related to business or project management. A bachelor’s degree is often required, but some employers prefer candidates with a master’s degree. Look for programs that offer courses in project management.
  2. Gain Work Experience: Start working in entry-level roles in project management, like a project coordinator or assistant. This will help you learn the basics and gain practical experience. As you gain experience, take on more responsibility and work your way up to project manager roles.
  3. Develop Important Skills: Focus on developing key skills needed for project management, like leadership, communication, problem-solving, time management, and negotiation. These skills are essential for success in the field, so practice them whenever you can.
  4. Get Certified: Consider getting certified in project management to boost your credentials. Certifications like PMP or CAPM are highly respected in the industry and can make you more attractive to employers. Study for the certification exams and take practice tests to prepare.
  5. Network and Make Connections: Network with other professionals in the field of project management. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with people online. Building a strong network can help you find job opportunities, get advice, and learn from others’ experiences.

Project Management Consultant vs Project Management Contractor


Project Management Consultant

Project Management Contractor

What They Do

Consultants give advice and help manage projects in a company or for clients.

Contractors do specific project tasks or parts of a project within a certain time.


Consultants lead projects from start to finish, giving advice and making plans.

Contractors focus on getting their assigned tasks done well and on time.

How Long They Work

Consultants work for a long time, giving ongoing support throughout a project’s life.

Contractors are hired for shorter periods or specific projects.


Consultants know a lot about managing projects and give valuable advice based on their experience.

Contractors are good at doing specific tasks well, using their skills.

Making Decisions

Consultants help make important project decisions, using their knowledge and experience.

Contractors follow directions from project managers or consultants.

Relationship with Clients/Companies

Consultants often work closely with clients or companies for a long time.

Contractors may work with clients or companies for shorter periods.

Project Consultant Vs Project Manager

Here are the following differences between Project Consultant and Project Manager:

Project Consultant

Project Manager

They Provides expert advice and guidance.

They oversees the planning, execution, and control and monitoring of the project.

They are typically hired for a limited duration or task.

They are hired for throughout the project lifecycle.

They Provides specialized support in specific areas.

They Manages all aspects of the project.

They Collaborates with the project team.

They Communicates with stakeholders and team members.

They Provides input on risk mitigation strategies.

They Identifies, assesses, and manages project risks.

Average Salary of a Project Manager Consultant

1. Average Salary in India Based on Experience

Years of Experience

Salary (INR per annum)

0-2 years

6-10 LPA

3-5 years

10-15 LPA

6-9 years

15-20 LPA

10+ years

20+ LPA

2. Average Salary Based on Location


Salary (INR per annum)


8-18 LPA


7-16 LPA


9-20 LPA


7-15 LPA


8-17 LPA


8-17 LPA

Conclusion: Project Manager Consultant

In conclusion, Project Manager Consultants are essential for making sure projects succeed. They oversee projects from beginning to end, making sure everything goes as planned. With their expertise and leadership, they help teams stay on track, solve problems, and reach their goals. By working closely with clients or organizations, they ensure projects meet expectations and deliver results. Project Manager Consultants play a crucial role in the success of businesses and projects, making them highly valuable and important.

FAQs on Project Manager Consultant

What’s the difference between a Project Manager Consultant and a Project Manager Contractor?

A Project Manager Consultant provides guidance throughout a project, while a Project Manager Contractor is hired to do specific tasks within a set time.

How do Project Manager Consultants handle project risks?

They identify risks early, come up with ways to deal with them, and keep an eye on things to prevent problems.

What are the benefits of hiring a Project Manager Consultant?

Hiring one brings expertise, leadership, and guidance to projects, increasing their chances of success and ensuring they’re completed on time and within budget.