What Does the Output of Model.Predict Function From Keras Mean?

Answer: The output of the model.predict function from Keras represents the model’s predictions or estimated probabilities for the input data.

The model.predict function in Keras is used to generate predictions from a trained neural network model. The output of this function typically represents the model’s predictions or estimated probabilities for the input data.

When you call model.predict on a set of input data, you receive an array or tensor containing the model’s predictions for each input sample. The shape of this output tensor depends on various factors, such as the number of input samples and the number of output units in the model’s final layer.

For classification tasks, where the model predicts the probability distribution over multiple classes, each row of the output tensor corresponds to one input sample, and each column represents the predicted probability for a specific class. These probabilities are often generated using a softmax activation function in the final layer, ensuring that they sum up to one across all classes.

In regression tasks, where the model predicts continuous values, the output tensor contains the model’s predicted values directly.


In summary, the output of the model.predict function provides the model’s predictions or estimated probabilities for the input data, allowing you to assess the model’s performance and make decisions based on its predictions.