What does the usemap attribute do in HTML <img> Tag ?

The “usemap” attribute in <img> tags is used to associate an image with a client-side image map. This attribute specifies the name or URL of the <map> element that defines clickable regions within the image. Client-side image maps allow users to interact with specific areas of an image by clicking on predefined regions.


<img src="image.jpg" usemap="#map_name">


  • "image.jpg" is the URL of the image file.
  • "#map_name" is the name of the associated <map> element, preceded by a pound sign (#).

Key Point of usemap Attribute

Key Point Description
Client-side Image Map The “usemap” attribute associates an image with a client-side image map, allowing users to interact with specific regions of the image.
Clickable Regions The <map> element defines clickable regions within the image, known as hotspots, which users can interact with by clicking.
Accessibility Client-side image maps provide accessibility benefits by allowing developers to provide alternative text for each hotspot and ensuring keyboard navigation support.
Compatibility Client-side image maps are widely supported in modern browsers and offer greater flexibility and ease of implementation compared to server-side image maps.


  • Defining Clickable Regions: Define clickable regions within the image using the associated <map> element, which contains <area> elements defining the coordinates and shape of each hotspot.
  • Alternative Text: Provide descriptive alternative text (alt attribute) for each <area> element to enhance accessibility for users with disabilities or when images are not displayed.