What is 1 3/4th Rounded to the Nearest Whole Number?

The number 1 3/4 is a mixed number, consisting of a whole part (1) and a fractional part (3/4). To round this number to the nearest whole number, we need to consider the fractional part. The rule for rounding is straightforward: if the fractional part is 0.5 or more, we round up; if it’s less than 0.5, we round down.

In the case of 1 3/4, the fractional part is 3/4, which is equivalent to 0.75. Since 0.75 is greater than 0.5, we round up. Therefore, when 1 3/4 is rounded to the nearest whole number, it becomes 2.

This process of rounding is commonly used in everyday situations where an exact number isn’t necessary, but an approximation is sufficient. For example, in cooking or when estimating quantities, rounding to the nearest whole number can be very practical. In this instance, rounding 1 3/4 to 2 simplifies the number while keeping it close to its original value.