What is 1 Billion in Rupees?

Answer: One billion is equal to 1000 crore rupees.

To calculate this, you need to understand the Indian numbering system, which groups digits in thousands, lakhs, and crores. One billion is equivalent to one thousand million. In this system:

1 billion = 1,000,000,000

Now, to convert this into the Indian numbering system:

1 billion = 1,000,000,000 = 100 crores

So, 1 billion is equal to 100 crore rupees in India. This is because one crore is equal to ten million. Therefore, when you have 100 crores, you have one billion rupees.

It’s important to note that the numbering system in different countries can vary, so the equivalent of one billion in their currency may differ. In India, one billion is represented as 100 crore rupees.