What is 100 Degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius?

Answer: 100 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately equal to 37.78 degrees in Celsius.

Conversion of 100 degrees from Fahrenheit to Celsius can be achieved using the formula:

Celsius=(5​/9) × (Fahrenheit − 32)

This conversion is commonly used to compare temperatures between different regions or for scientific calculations.

To convert 100 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius:

Celsius= (5​/9) × (100 − 32) = (5​/9) × 68 = 340/9 ≈ 37.78 ℃

Therefore, 100 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 37.78 degrees Celsius.

This conversion facilitates temperature comparisons and ensures consistency across different scales. It is particularly useful for international communication and scientific research where different units of measurement are commonly employed.