What is 20% of 120?

Answer: 20% of 120 is 24.

To find 20% of 120, you multiply 120 by the decimal equivalent of 20%. Since 20% is the same as 20 out of 100, it can be written as 0.20 in decimal form.

The calculation is as follows:

120 × 0.20 = 24

This calculation is commonly used in various real-life scenarios, such as calculating discounts, determining statistics, or working out proportions. For example, if a store offers a 20% discount on an item that costs $120, the amount of the discount is calculated by finding 20% of 120, which, as we’ve calculated, is $24. This means the discounted price would be $120 – $24 = $96. Understanding how to calculate percentages of numbers is a fundamental skill in mathematics that has practical applications in everyday life, from finance to shopping and beyond. The ability to quickly and accurately calculate percentages is valuable for making informed decisions in various situations.