What is 3 over 2 as a whole number?

The method to represent and work with numbers is understood as a numeration system or number system. A number system may be a system of writing to represent numbers. It’s the notation to represent numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols. It allows us to work on arithmetic operations like division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.

Some important number systems are as follows:

  • Decimal Number System
  • Binary Number System
  • Octal Number System
  • Hexadecimal Number System

What are Whole Numbers?

The whole numbers are the numbers without fractions, decimals and are a collection of positive integers from 0 to infinity. All the whole numbers exist in number lines. All the entire numbers are real numbers but we will not say that each one of the important numbers is a whole number. Whole numbers cannot be negative. The whole numbers are represented by the symbol “W”. The examples are: 0, 23, 34, 45, 67, 867, 345, 56754, etc.

Properties of Whole Numbers

Properties of whole numbers help us to know the numbers better. Moreover, they create calculations under certain operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division very simple. The different sorts of properties of whole numbers are follows:

  • Closure for addition and multiplication.
  • Commutative property for addition and multiplication.
  • Associative property for addition and multiplication.
  • Distributive property of multiplication over addition.
  • Identity for addition and multiplication.

Closure property for Addition and Multiplication:

15 + 6 = 21

9 + 88 = 97

25 + 0 = 25

8 × 8 = 64

5 × 11 = 55

From the instance, we will conclude that once we add or multiply any two whole numbers we get an entire number.

Whole numbers are closed under addition and multiplication.

Note: Division by zero is not defined.

Commutative property for addition and multiplication:

You can add whole numbers in any order. We can say that addition is commutative for whole numbers. This property is understood as commutativity for addition.

6 + 12 = 12 + 6

18 = 18

You can multiply two whole numbers in any order. Thus we are saying multiplication is commutative for whole numbers.

Multiply 9 and 7 in several orders, you’ll get an equivalent answer.

9 × 7 = 63

7 × 9 = 63

∴ 9 × 7 =  7 × 9

Note: Subtraction is not commutative (6 – 5 ≠ 5 – 6).

Division is not commutative (4 ÷ 2 ≠ 2 ÷ 4).

Associative of addition and multiplication:

Observe the following examples:

1) (5 + 7) + 3 = 12 + 3 = 15

2) 5 + (7 + 3) = 5 + 10 = 15

In the 1st, you can add 5 and 7 first and then add 3 to the sum and in the 2nd, you can add 7 and 3 first and then add 5 to the sum. The result in both cases is the same.

For Addition:

This property usually does the addition in a straightforward and fast way.

Observe the following example:

234 + 197 + 203

In the above example, if we add 197 and 203 first then it’ll be easier as unit (ones) digit has become zero.

234 + (197 + 203)

= 234 + 400

= 634

For Multiplication:

Multiplication is true for associative property.

8 × 125 × 1294

Here, if you multiply 125 and 1294 then it’ll be hard and time-consuming. So we’ll multiply 8 and 125 then with 1294.

(8 × 125) × 1294

= 1000 × 1294

= 1,294,000 This arrangement of numbers is understood as associative property.

Distributive of Multiplication over Addition:

35 × (98 + 2) = 35 × 100 = 3500

65 × (48 + 2) = 65 × 50 = 3250

297 × 17 + 297 × 3 = 297 × (17 + 3) = 297 × 20 = 5940

All the above are the samples of distributive property of multiplication over addition.


854 × 102

To make this multiplication simpler, write 102 as 100 + 2 then use distributive property.

854 × (100 + 2)

= 854 × 100 + 854 × 2 ——( distributive property)

= 85,400 + 1,708

= 87,108

Identity for Addition and Multiplication:

The collection of whole numbers is different from the collection of natural numbers because of just the presence of zero. This number zero has a special role in addition.

When you add zero to any whole number, the same whole number again.

Zero is named an Identity for the addition of whole numbers or additive identity for whole numbers.

Zero has a special role in multiplication too. Any number when multiplied by zero becomes zero!

56 × 0 = 0

0 × 346 = 0

You found an additive identity for whole numbers, variety remains unchanged when added zero thereto. Similar case for the multiplicative identity for whole numbers. A number remains unchanged once we multiply by 1. So 1 is named identity for multiplication of whole numbers or multiplicative identity for whole numbers.

What is 3 over 2 as a whole number?

Since whole numbers do not include fractions and decimal values, 3/2 will not be considered as a whole number. But, a fraction can be converted to a whole number by rounding it off to the nearest whole number possible.

3/2, when converted to decimals, will be equal to 1.5 which is when rounded off to the nearest whole number will be equal to 2, because if the digit after decimal is greater than or equal to 5, the decimal is rounded up to the next whole number.

Hence, 3 over 2 as a whole number will be 2.

Sample Problems

Question 1. What is 5 over 2 as a whole number?


Since whole numbers do not include fractions and decimal values, 5/2 will not be considered as a whole number. But, a fraction can be converted to a whole number by rounding it off to the nearest whole number possible.

5/2, when converted to decimals, will be equal to 2.5 which is when rounded off to the nearest whole number will be equal to 3.

Hence, 5 over 2 as a whole number will be 3.

Question 2. What is 11 over 2 as a whole number?


Since whole numbers do not include fractions and decimal values, 11/2 will not be considered as a whole number. But, a fraction can be converted to a whole number by rounding it off to the nearest whole number possible.

11/2, when converted to decimals, will be equal to 5.5 which is when rounded off to the nearest whole number will be equal to 6.

Hence, 11 over 2 as a whole number will be 6.

Question 3. What is 22 over 6 as a whole number?


Since whole numbers do not include fractions and decimal values, 22/6 will not be considered as a whole number. But, a fraction can be converted to a whole number by rounding it off to the nearest whole number possible.

22/6, when converted to decimals, will be equal to 3.66 which is when rounded off to the nearest whole number will be equal to 4 because the value after the decimal is greater than 5, so it will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Hence, 22 over 6 as a whole number will be 4.

Question 4. What is 54 over 5 as a whole number?


Since whole numbers do not include fractions and decimal values, 54/5 will not be considered as a whole number. But, a fraction can be converted to a whole number by rounding it off to the nearest whole number possible.

54/5, when converted to decimals, will be equal to 10.8 which is when rounded off to the nearest whole number will be equal to 11 because the value after the decimal is greater than 5, so it will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Hence, 54 over 5 as a whole number will be 11.