What is 30% of 80?

Calculating percentages is a fundamental mathematical operation that plays a crucial role in various aspects of daily life, from determining discounts during sales to solving complex financial problems. It involves finding a specified fraction of a given quantity, often expressed as a percentage of the whole. In this context, we will explore how to calculate 30% of the number 80.

Answer: 30% of 80 is 24.

To calculate 30% of 80, you can follow these steps:

  1. Convert the percentage to a decimal: To do this, divide the percentage (30) by 100, which yields 0.30.
  2. Multiply the decimal by the number: Multiply the decimal (0.30) by the given number (80): 0.30 × 80 = 24

So, 30% of 80 is equal to 24. This means that 30% of the total quantity of 80 is equivalent to 24 units.

This percentage calculation is widely used in business, finance, and everyday situations to determine proportions, discounts, and other important aspects of quantitative analysis.