What is 5% of 100?

A percent is used to express a number as a fraction of 100.

In a formula, it can be expressed as:

Percent = (Part ÷ Whole) × 100

Answer : 5% of 100 is 5.

To calculate 5% of 100, you multiply 100 by the decimal equivalent of 5%. Since 5% is the same as 5 out of 100, it can be written as 0.05 in decimal form.

The calculation is as follows:

100 × 0.05 = 5

Hence, 5% of 100 is indeed 5.

This calculation is a basic yet essential aspect of understanding percentages, which are a fundamental part of everyday mathematics. Percentages are widely used in various contexts, such as calculating discounts, understanding statistics, and determining proportions in finance, science, and everyday life. For instance, if you want to know what 5% of a certain amount is, like in this case with the number 100, you simply convert the percentage to a decimal and multiply.