What is a Good SAT Score?

Dreaming of higher education abroad, and understanding the requirements of standardized tests like the SAT is essential for students, especially for those planning from India. For countless Indian students, the SAT is a key step toward gaining admission into prestigious international institutions and Universities. However, solving the complexities of the exam and determining what forms a good SAT score can often be a puzzling task. As the gateway to esteemed colleges, having a clear understanding of the SAT and its score benchmarks is essential.

This article aims to shed light on the significance of the SAT for Indian students and explains the concept of a good SAT score, providing valuable insights to navigate this critical aspect of the college application process.

Table of Content

  • What is a Good SAT Score?
  • SAT Score Percentiles
  • What is a Good SAT Score Based On Your Schools?
  • How to Find Your SAT Goal Score?
  • SAT Scores for Ivy League Schools
  • What is a good SAT score for harvard?
  • Good SAT Scores for 20 Popular Colleges in the United States
  • What is a Good SAT Essay Score?
  • How to Compare Scores on the Digital SAT & Pen and Paper SAT?
  • Does my SAT score determine which college will accept me?
  • How to Improve Your SAT Score?

What is a Good SAT Score?

A good SAT score ultimately depends on the colleges you are applying to. A high SAT score, however, can help you stand out to college admissions officers and improve your chances of being awarded a scholarship. To determine what constitutes a good SAT score and to set goals for your exam, learn about the current SAT scores for elite universities as well as the workings of the SAT scoring system.

  • Generally speaking, an excellent SAT score is 1210 or above, which would place you in the top 25% of test takers.
  • The national average score on the SAT in 2023 was 1028, while the highest possible score of 1600 is considered a “perfect” score.
  • It is important to check the specific SAT score ranges offered by each college and university to ascertain what constitutes a “good” score for you.
  • A high SAT score can increase your competitiveness as an applicant, but it does not guarantee admission to a college.

SAT Score Percentiles

You can compare your performance to that of other test-takers using percentiles. To determine what makes an excellent SAT score, consult the following percentile charts. Be aware that from year to year, there may be modest variations in the percentile rankings for scores.

The total of your two component scores—Math and Reading and Writing—determines your SAT score, which is between 400 and 1600. A 200–800 point scale, with 10-point increments, is used for each segment. Hence, an excellent grade in maths or reading and writing would be close to 600.

Percentile Math Score EBRW Score Total SAT Score
99+ 780-800 1560-1600
99 800 760-770 1520-1550
95 740-750 710 1430-1440
90 690 670-680 1350
85 660 650 1290
80 620-630 630 1240-1250
75 (good) 600 610 1200-1210
50 (median) 520 530 1040-1050

Significance of Having A Good SAT Score

An estimated 4,000 colleges & universities in the U.S. and 85+ other countries use SAT scores to help them make well-informed admission decisions

What is a Good SAT Score Based On Your Schools?

There is no single right answer to this question. This is because good SAT scores vary for each university. For instance, an SAT score of 1400 will be significantly high for some schools, but it will not be sufficient for others, like the top 20 colleges.

Various top-ranked schools typically look for some of the highest SAT scores in applicants.

Scores in the 75th percentile (or above 50%) can be considered good SAT scores.

How to Find Your SAT Goal Score?

It is important to understand that each college has its bracket for SAT scores for admissions in various courses. Once you have listed all the colleges & courses you wish to pursue, the next challenge is to find your ideal SAT Goal Score to ensure your admission.

Here are some steps you can follow to find your SAT Goal Score:

Step 1: Make a list of schools you’d like to attend.

List out at least 6-10 schools you’re interested in. Remember to include your dream school, target school and safety schools.

Expert Advice: Question to ask when preparing the list of schools

  • To find your dream school, think if money and qualifications weren’t issues, which college/school would you choose?
  • To know your target schools, analyze your grades, test scores, and class rank to the most recently admitted class by the institution.
  • Safety schools are in the budget for which you feel confident you’ll be admitted.

Step 2: Find the middle 50 Percent of each school

Browse the school name alongside “SAT score range” in your browser to find the middle 50 per cent. The 50th percentile is the median range of scores between the 25th and 75th percentiles. Write down these scores next to your school’s name. Remember to record the range of Math and ERW sections as well.

Step 3: Identify your goal SAT score from the list.

The next step is to arrange your schools as per these score ranges. To find the right priorities, try organizing them from highest to lowest. Your dream or ideal school will be on the top, with the target and safety schools following it, respectively.

Tip: It is advisable to aim your SAT score at or above the 75th percentile to strengthen your chances of getting into your chosen school.

SAT Scores for Ivy League Schools 2024

The Ivy League is made up of eight private universities that are among the most prestigious in the country. To be accepted into an Ivy League school, one must achieve a high SAT score. Anything between a 1560 (out of 1600) and 1600 score is competitive for any Ivy League school. We have listed the ranges of SAT scores for Ivy League schools in 2023 in the table below.

Brown University 1470-1550 6%
Columbia University 1500-1560 4%
Cornell University 1470-1550 7%
Dartmouth College 1480-1560 6%
Harvard University 1490-1580 3%
Princeton University 1470-1560 4%
University of Pennsylvania 1480-1570 7%
Yale University 1470-1560 5%

What is a good SAT score for harvard?

Harvard SAT scores are quite competitive, as one might anticipate. Out of a possible 1600, the average SAT score at Harvard is roughly 1520. At Harvard College, a SAT score of 1460 places one in the 25th percentile and 1570 in the 75th percentile. This indicates that 25% of Harvard College students received a score lower than 1460 and 25% higher than 1570. Although this range shows that there is no minimum score required for admission, it also highlights the excellent standards of the institution.

Good SAT Scores for 20 Popular Colleges in the United States

School US News Ranking* 25th %ile SAT Score* 75th %ile SAT Score* Avg SAT Score*
Princeton 1 1460 1570 1510
MIT 2 1510 1580 1550
Harvard 3 (tie) 1480 1580 1530
Stanford 3 (tie) 1470 1570 1520
Yale 3 (tie) 1480 1580 1530
UChicago 6 (tie) 1510 1580 1550
Johns Hopkins 7 (tie) 1510 1570 1540
Penn 7 (tie) 1480 1570 1530
Caltech 9 (tie) 1510 1570 1540
Duke 10 (tie) 1480 1570 1530
Northwestern 10 (tie) 1460 1560 1510
Dartmouth 12 1440 1560 1500
Brown 13 (tie) 1460 1570 1520
Vanderbilt 13 (tie) 1480 1570 1530
Rice 15 (tie) 1490 1570 1530
WUSTL 15 (tie) 1490 1570 1530
Cornell 17 1450 1560 1510
Columbia 18 (tie) 1490 1580 1540
Notre Dame 18 (tie) 1410 1550 1480
UC Berkeley 20 (tie) 1340 1540 1440

What is a Good SAT Essay Score?

There was once an optional essay on the SAT. However, the College Board declared in 2021 that the SAT essay will no longer be offered. You might have to take the essay on a SAT School Day if your state mandates the SAT, which is the sole circumstance in which this guideline is not applicable.

Even though SAT essay requirements are no longer applicable to colleges, some students who take the test during the school day could still be motivated to improve their essay score for personal reasons. The SAT essay receives a different score than reading, writing, and math. You have fifty minutes to compose an essay in which you evaluate the assertions and logic of the author of a particular passage.

After reading your essay, two graders will rate it in three categories—reading, analysis, and writing—on a scale of 1-4. Each category’s overall score ranges from 2 to 8. Three eights, or a four from each of the two graders in all three areas, would be a perfect score on the SAT essay.

How to Compare Scores on the Digital SAT & Pen and Paper SAT?

The SAT will no longer be administered using pencil and paper starting in the spring of 2024. All students will take the Digital SAT on a computer, with a few exceptions for special accommodations. The SAT will still be scored using the same 1600-point system as it did before the modifications. Your two part scores are added together to determine your overall Digital SAT score, which might vary from 400 to 1600.

Scoring on the Adaptive Digital SAT

The updated SAT is flexible. The questions you see in the second module are based on how well you performed in the first. It’s common to refer to this as a multi-stage test. You will advance to a second, more challenging module if you perform well on the first, or routing module. You will have the opportunity to achieve the highest possible scores in one of the two sections (Math or Reading and Writing).

Remember, you can still score competitively on the SAT even if you are sent to an easier second module. You will merely waste time and mental energy attempting to figure out the difficulty level you were routed to. Regardless of the module, you should concentrate on giving each question your best effort. Your total score on the SAT is determined by your performance on the two Reading and Writing and two Math modules, however their precise formula is confidential. It is highly probable that students who are routed to the easier or harder second module will have scores that overlap.

Does my SAT score determine which college will accept me?

Even if the college you’re applying to offers optional SAT testing, having a strong SAT score might help set your application apart. Your SAT score does not guarantee admission to any particular university. A number of variables may affect your chances of being accepted into a college programme and of receiving financial aid through scholarships. Apart from striving for the highest SAT score possible, you ought to concentrate on securing the finest GPA, crafting an outstanding personal statement, enrolling in demanding courses, and complementing your application with extracurricular activities.

How to Improve Your SAT Score?

Your chances of being accepted into your ideal school can rise even ten points on the SAT. To help you ace the SAT, Kaplan provides a wealth of free preparation materials, such as:

  • SAT Question of the Day: Get free practice questions every day sent right to your inbox to help you improve your score!
  • Free SAT Practice Test: Find out how you would do on the exam and receive a thorough analysis of your advantages and disadvantages.
  • SAT Study Plans: We offer a variety of study plans to help you stay organised, regardless of how long you have to study—three months or one month—before the test.
  • Try SAT On Demand Free of Cost: See how our professionals can help you improve your SAT score by taking advantage of a free seven-day trial of Kaplan’s SAT Prep On Demand Course.

Important Update!

The College Board, in Jan 2021, had announced that it would not be offering the Essay portion of the SAT after June 2021.

While most reputed colleges & schools had made SAT Essay scores optional earlier, this decision reaffirmed that admissions to any college do not require the SAT Essay in general.


In conclusion, a “good” SAT score depends on your goals and the colleges you wish to attend. Remember that SAT scores are only one aspect of your college application. They should be considered in the context of your overall academic performance, extracurricular activities, and personal essays.

What is a Good SAT Score- FAQs

Is 1400 SAT score good?

A SAT score of 1400, which is just 200 points short of the highest achievable, suggests exceptional academic achievement and positions you as a strong contender for admission to nearly all universities.

What SAT score is required for Harvard?

Harvard University typically expects applicants to have SAT scores of 1480-1580. However, Harvard considers a holistic application, so your scores are just one part of the admission process.

What is a good SAT score for Indian students?

A good SAT score for Indian students, like for any other students, varies depending on their college choices. Generally, Indian students aiming for top U.S. colleges should aim for scores above 1400.

What’s the lowest score on the SAT?

The lowest possible SAT score is 400, meaning a limited understanding of the test material.