What is a Secured Note?

In the real estate business, there are several ways to purchase properties that have already been sold by the seller to another buyer. One of the most common ways is to use what’s called a secured note, or as it’s more commonly known, an assignment of the mortgage note. Let’s take a look at what this means and how you can go about purchasing a property using this technique.

How to Acquire a Secured Note?

The lender could seize the collateral in case the borrower defaults on the loan; therefore, a secured note is an instrument that is backed by collateral. In secured notes, the most common type of collateral is real estate, but it can also be personal property, such as a car or jewelry. To obtain a secured note, a borrower must find a lender willing to extend credit. To secure a loan, the lender will receive the collateral, on which the borrower will sign a promissory note outlining the terms of the loan. The collateral will then be transferred to the lender as security.

How You Can Use It?

A secured note is a debt instrument secured by collateral. Borrowers can use assets such as real estate or a vehicle to guarantee the loan. The lender will have peace of mind, knowing they have some form of security if the borrower defaults. Also, secured notes often have lower interest rates than unsecured debt, making them more attractive to borrowers.

How Does It Differ From an Unsecured Loan?

A secured loan is a loan backed by something of value, so if you default on the loan, the lender can seize that thing to recoup their losses. If you default on a secured loan, the lender can usually take legal action against you, but you are not risking the possibility of your assets being seized. With an unsecured loan, you have no collateral (or guarantee) for what happens should you be unable to repay the debt.

Alternative Lending Options

A secured note is a loan that is backed by an asset, such as real estate, jewelry, or vehicles. This type of loan can be easier to obtain than a traditional bank loan because the lender has collateral to seize if the borrower defaults on the loan. However, secured loans can be more expensive than unsecured loans and should only be used as a last resort. The interest rates are typically higher with a secured loan. Furthermore, these loans have strict repayment terms and time limits for paying off the debt before foreclosure occurs. If you need funds but do not want to take out a conventional loan or credit card, ask your local bank about their small business lending programs.

Signs and Effects

Many business owners take out secured loans when they need to raise funds. This type of debt instrument is backed by the firm’s assets. When an IOU (stands for “I owe you”) is secured by an item of worth, such as property, the lender can repossess and sell the collateral to pay back the loan. Secured IOUs have a lower default risk than unsecured IOUs, so lenders usually charge a lower interest rate. Rather than pay a higher interest rate, borrowers may want to look for an alternative, such as borrowing from a family member or obtaining a line of credit.

Facts and Figures

A secured loan is a form of borrowing that’s backed by collateral, so in the event of a default, the lender is allowed to seize that collateral to recoup their losses. A type of collateral often used in secured loans is real estate, but it can also be something like a vehicle, jewelry, or art. Because there is less risk, interest rates are usually lower on secured loans than they are on unsecured loans. Of course, these loans come with higher down payments and often restrictions on how much money can be borrowed. 

The compromise is that with a loan backed by collateral, you can borrow more money with smaller monthly payments. Unlike an unsecured loan, secured notes typically come with no credit requirements. You may be eligible for a secured note even if you don’t meet the stricter qualifications for an unsecured loan. People who use secured notes include business owners looking for quick access to capital without using their assets as collateral, or others who use them as an emergency fund that offers protection against drops in the market value of their investments.


The most common type of collateral used to secure a loan is real estate, but it can also be personal property, such as a car or jewelry. There are two types of secured notes: those with recourse and those without. In the case of recourse, the borrower is personally liable for any default on the loan. In contrast, in cases without recourse, only the collateral pledged may be seized to satisfy obligations under the terms of the contract.