What is a Small Office Home Office (SOHO) Network?

Prerequisites – Basic understanding of INTERNET and NETWORKS.

Before understanding what a SOHO is one must have a sound knowledge of what actually is internet. The Internet is a worldwide connection of interconnected networks (internetwork) operating together to carry or exchange information using a common transmission medium i.e., satellite links, optic fibers, etc. We have access to anything that is present online through certain platforms like Social Media Sites, e-mails, etc. all of these internet destinations are connected to local networks that send and receive information through the internet.


Local Networks are further divided into four different categories:

  1. Small Home Networks 
  2. Small Office and Home Office Networks (SOHO)
  3. Medium to Large Networks 
  4. Worldwide Networks 

SOHO stands for Small Office and Home Office Networks. It allows computers in a home office or remote office to connect to a corporate network, or access centralized, shared resources. It is a LAN (local area network) mainly referred to as a business category involving a small number of workers usually from 01 to 10. SOHO provides a lot of features and benefits such as easy-to-use and setup networks etc. making them an ideal choice for small businesses. A virtual office is another synonym sometimes used for a SOHO network. SOHO networking is mainly used for the purpose of connecting several computing devices on a single network to share information effectively with the multiple connected users in the organization.