What is a Trackball?

A trackball is an input device that consists of a protruding exposed ball held by a socket with sensors that detect the rotation of the ball. A trackball typically comes with one or two buttons that function similarly to mouse click buttons.


Trackballs are used in many laptop keyboards and earlier models of computer mice as the cursor control mechanism. The device looks like a turned-over mouse with a ball inside it and consists of a ball supported by a socket with sensors to detect rotation about two axes. Fred Longstaff and Tom Cranston created it in 1952. Basically, It is an input device is used to move the cursor on a computer screen. Applications for trackballs include industrial control, gaming, graphic design, CAD, air travel, nautical navigation, privacy, and assistive technology for the disabled.

Applications of Trackball

  • Computer Pointing Devices: These devices give users who need fine control, like designers of graphics and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) specialists, exact control over the cursor’s movement.
  • Gaming: They are frequently used in games like first-person shooters that call for precise aim. Those that enjoy arcade and vintage gaming use trackball mice frequently.
  • Assistive Technology: Trackballs are an assistive technology that people with poor dexterity or motor abilities can utilize.
  • Entertainment and Media Production: Trackballs are utilized by video and audio professionals for activities like video editing, audio mixing and various other media production tasks that call for accuracy and precise control.
  • Security and Surveillance: Trackballs are used in pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras, monitoring systems and video camera motions in security and surveillance systems.
  • Applications in Industry and Science: Wherever a high degree of precision is needed, trackballs are frequently utilized in industrial and scientific contexts. They can be found in tools for 3D modeling, imaging in the medical field and operating industrial machinery.

How Trackball Works?

To move a cursor without using their arms, a person rotates the ball with their thumb, fingers or palm. To improve grip, some trackballs feature textured rubber or metal edges, while others could have detachable coverings. The user can carry out several instructions, such choosing an object or dropping or dragging it, by pressing buttons on the top, bottom, front or rear of the gadget.

Advantages of Trackball

  • Space Efficiency: Users with little desk space can choose this option. They are also excellent for usage in places with limited space, including on boats, in factories or in airplane.
  • Left-Handed Compatibility: Many trackballs may be simply set up for left-handed use, giving users who use the other hand a convenient and comfortable option.
  • Reduced Desk Clutter: They can assist in reducing desk clutter brought on by cords, the requirement for a big mouse pad and the need for a free desk space.
  • Accessibility: Disable people may have trouble using regular mouse due to low coordination or motor skills, they can utilize trackballs.
  • Gaming Applications: Applications for trackball mouse in gaming include first-person shooters and flight simulators.

Disadvantages of Trackball

  • Price: High-quality trackballs might be more expensive, when comparing with traditional mice.
  • Compatibility: Since, certain applications and games are designed to work best with traditional mice, users may encounter problems using trackballs in some situations.
  • Weight: Trackballs can be heavy sometimes, so, users who prefer small and lightweight mouse for travel or laptop, may find them less suitable.
  • Availability: Trackballs may not be as widely available as standard mice in some areas, making it difficult to get replacement components or particular models.
  • Maintenance: Trackballs housings may need to be polished sometimes to preserve function as dirt, dust and other particles build up over time.
  • Limited Customizability: Compared to gaming mouse, trackballs could come with less buttons and customization options, which might be a disadvantage for gamers who desire advanced functions and programmable buttons.


Trackballs are flexible input devices that provide accurate control and are utilized in a variety of applications where consistency and fine motor balance are crucial. Individual opinions, tasks and physical limitations all play a role in deciding whether to utilize a trackball or traditional mouse. Users should evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of trackballs to decide if they are the ideal input device for their unique requirements.