What Is a Worker’s Worth?

Work helps us earn a living. But more importantly, work gives us a sense of worth to do something and gives meaning to our being. By doing some work we contribute to the national income of our country. According to this definition, a “worker” is someone who is bound by a contractual agreement and receives remuneration for work or is self-employed. Different types of workers can be defined based on certain parameters.

Types of workers

  1. Wage workers: These are workers who are employed by others (employers) and receive a salary/wage as compensation for work. Hired workers can again be of two types:
  2. Casual workers: These are workers who employers hire temporarily for a specific job. They are not permanent and do not receive any social security or other employment benefits. Example: Construction workers are only hired for specific projects and are not hired permanently. Seasonal workers, such as those who work on the farm only during harvest, are also classified as casual workers.
  3. Regularly paid workers: These are workers hired by employers for an indefinite period and receive regular salaries/wages for their work. Example: Chartered accountants, teachers, sports coaches in a sports club.
  4. Self-Employed: Another group of workers is those who are not employed by an employer but own and work for their own business. Example: Owners, entrepreneurs.

In urban India, 41% of workers are self-employed and 59% are employed. In rural areas, 54% are self-employed and 46% are employed. The percentage of self-employed people is higher in rural areas because workers there usually work on their own farms. Conversely, in urban areas workers tend to be employed in factories or offices in greater proportion than their rural counterparts.

Difference between Worker and Employee


  1. They have the right to be paid at least the national minimum wage.
  2. Working time regulations governing the number of hours allowed in a week and rest breaks are protected.
  3. He cannot be unfairly dismissed or unlawfully discriminated against.
  4. They are entitled to statutory sick, maternity, or paternity leave and leave and statutory severance pay.
  5. They get  5.6 weeks of paid holiday per year.
  6. They must receive proper notice of termination of their contract.
  7. You have the right to request a flexible schedule.
  8. And get time off for emergencies related to their family or family members.


  1. An individual has an oral or written contract that uses terms such as “casual”, “freelance”, “zero hours”, etc.
  2. Have limited rights to assign work to another person
  3. They can choose to accept the task Their work is supervised by a manager
  4. Must agree to employer’s terms and conditions.
  5. The employer deducts tax and pays National Insurance contributions
  6. The employer provides the equipment needed to complete the job
  7. They don’t have any clients or customer

Rights of a Worker

  • The right to a safe working environment without undue risk.
  • The right to some degree of privacy in your personal affairs.
  • The right not to be discriminated against on the basis of your age, race, nationality, sex, ethnic origin, pregnancy, religion, or disability.
  • In some states and localities, the right not to be discriminated against is based on marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other characteristics.
  • The right to a fair wage, which means at least the minimum wage, plus overtime for hours worked over 40 hours a week or in some places over 8 hours a day.
  • The right to a harassment-free work environment.
  • The right to take time off from work to care for one’s illness or the illness of a family member.

What is the value of the worker?

One of the main reasons why foreign companies head to India is cheap labor. Additional expenses such as housing equipment there are also fewer workers. In this way, companies can save costs and achieve higher profits. Cost reduction can also be done by other more dangerous means. The time for safety training of workers has been reduced from 6 months to 15 days! The position of night worker for the MIC plant has been canceled.

Enforcement of safety laws

As a lawmaker and enforcer, the government is supposed to ensure the implementation of safety laws. It is also the government’s duty to ensure that the right to life guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution is not violated. Safety laws were lax in India. Secondly, even these weak safety laws are not enforced. Government officials refused to recognize the plant as dangerous and allowed it to appear in a populated area. As local and foreign businesses set up more industries in India, there is a great need for stronger laws to protect workers’ rights and better enforcement of these laws.

FAQ on Worker’s Worth

Question 1: Why do we need a minimum wage law?


We need a minimum wage law so that private companies cannot deny workers their wages. It is also necessary to ensure that workers are not underpaid or compensated fairly.

Question 2: What is the Minimum Wage Act? 


The Minimum Wages Act states that wages should not fall below a specified minimum threshold.

Question 3:  Why do you think enforcing safety laws is important in every factory?


Enforcing safety laws is important in any factory for the following reasons:

  1. The duty of the government is to ensure that the right to life guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution is not violated.
  2. Other industries are established in India by local and foreign people or institutions. They barely care to include security measures to save costs and make more profits.

Workers are forced to work in dangerous conditions. If any accident happens, it will consume thousands of lives for which their families will never be compensated.