What is Apache Flink?

In the current generation, Apache Flink is the big giant tool that is nothing but 4G of Big Data. It’s the true stream processing framework. Flink’s kernel ( core) is a streaming runtime that provides distributed processing, fault tolerance. Flink processes events at a constantly high speed with low latency. It schemes the data at lightning-fast speed. Apache Flink is the large-scale data processing framework that we can reuse when data is generated at high velocity. This is an important open-source platform that can address numerous types of conditions efficiently:

  1. Batch Processing
  2. Iterative Processing
  3. Real-time stream processing
  4. Interactive processing
  5. In-memory processing
  6. Graph Processing

Flink is the volition to MapReduce, it processes data further than 100 times faster than MapReduce. It’s independent of Hadoop but it can use HDFS ( Hadoop Distributed File System) to read, write, store, process the data. Flink doesn’t give its own data storehouse system. It takes data from the distributed storehouse.  

Why Apache Flink?

Flink is volition to MapReduce, it processes data further than 100 times faster than MapReduce. It’s independent of Hadoop but it can use HDFS to read, write, store, process the data. Flink doesn’t give its own data storehouse system. It takes data from the distributed storage system. The crucial vision for Apache Flink is to overcome and reduce the complexity that has been faced by other distributed data-driven machines. This is achieved by integrating query optimization, generalities from database systems, and effective parallel in-memory and out-of-core algorithms, with the MapReduce frame. So, Apache Flink is substantially grounded on the streaming model, Apache Flink iterates data by using a streaming armature. Now, the conception of an iterative algorithm is bound into the Flink query optimizer. So, Apache Flink’s pipelined armature allows recycling the streaming data briskly with lower quiescence than micro-batch infrastructures (Spark).

Apache Flink Features

  1. Low quiescence and High Performance: Apache Flink provides high performance and Low quiescence without any heavy configuration. Its pipelined armature provides a high outturn rate. It processes the data at lightning-fast speed, it’s also called as 4G of Big Data.  
  2. Fault Tolerance: The fault forbearance point handed by Apache Flink is grounded on Chandy-Lamport distributed shots, this medium provides strong thickness guarantees.  
  3. Duplications: Apache Flink provides the devoted support for iterative algorithms ( machine literacy, graph processing)  
  4. Memory Management: So, the memory operation in Apache Flink provides control on how important memory we use in certain runtime operations.  
  5. Integration: We can fluently integrate Apache Flink with other open-source data processing ecosystems. It can be integrated with Hadoop, aqueducts data from Kafka, It can be run on YARN.  

Apache Flink – The Unified Platform

Apache Spark has started the new trend by offering a different platform to break different problems but is limited due to its underpinning batch processing machine which processes aqueducts also as micro-batches. Flink has taken the same capability ahead and Flink can break all the types of Big Data problems. Apache Flink is a general-purpose cluster calculating tool, which can handle batch processing, interactive processing, Stream processing, Iterative processing, in-memory processing, graph processing. Therefore, Apache Flink is the coming generation Big Data platform also known as 4G of Big Data. Flink’s kernel is a streaming runtime that also provides lightning-fast speed, fault forbearance, distributed processing, ease of use, etc. Principally, Flink processes data at a constantly high speed with veritably low quiescence. So, it’s the large-scale data processing platform that can reuse data generated at veritably high speed. 

Ecosystem of Flink

1. Storage/ Streaming  

Flink doesn’t correspond with the storehouse system; it’s just a calculation machine. Flink can read, write data from different storehouse systems as well as consume data from streaming systems. Flink can read-write data from different storehouse/ streaming systems like  

  • HDFS – Hadoop Distributed Train System
  • Local-FS – It is the local file system
  • S3 – Simple Storage Service from Amazon
  • HBase –  In the Hadoop ecosystem, HBase is basically a NoSQL Database
  • MongoDB – NoSQL Database
  • RDBMS – Any relational database
  • Kafka – Distributed messaging Queue
  • RabbitMQ – Messaging Queue
  • Flume – Mainly used for data collection and aggregation tool

The next layer is the resource/deployment operation. Flink can be stationed in different modes  

  • Local mode – On a single node, in a single JVM
  • Cluster – On a multi-node cluster, with the resource director.            
    • Standalone – This is the dereliction resource director which is packed with Flink.
    • YARN – This is a veritably popular resource director, it’s part of Hadoop, (introduced in Hadoop2.x)
  • Mesos – This is a generalized resource director.
  • Cloud – on Amazon or Google cloud

The coming layer is Runtime – the Distributed Streaming Dataflow, which is also called the kernel of Apache Flink. This is the core layer of the flink which provides distributed processing, fault forbearance, trustability, native iterative processing capability, etc. The uppermost sub caste is for APIs and Library, which provides the different capabilities to Flink  

2. DataSet API  

It handles the data at the rest, it allows the stoner to apply operations like chart, sludge, join, group, etc. on the dataset. It’s substantially used for distributed processing. Actually, it’s a special case of Stream processing where we have a finite data source. The batch operation is also executed on the streaming runtime.  

3. DataStream API  

It handles a nonstop sluice of the data.  It provides colorful operations like chart, sludge, update countries, window, total, etc. to reuse live data stream. It can consume the data from the colorful streaming source and can write the data to different cesspools. It supports both Java and Scala. Now let’s bandy some DSL (Domain Specific Library) Tool’s  

4. Table  

It enables druggies to perform ad-hoc analysis using SQL-like expression language for relational sluice and batch processing. It can be bedded in Dataset and DataStream APIs. Actually, it saves druggies from writing complex laws to reuse the data rather than allowing them to run SQL queries on top of Flink.  

5. Gelly  

It’s the graph processing machine that allows druggies to run a set of operations to produce, transfigure and reuse the graph. Gelly also provides the library of an algorithm to simplify the development of graph operations. To handle graphs efficiently, it leverages the native iterative processing model of Flink. We can use its APIs in Java and Scala.  

6. Flink ML  

It’s the machine learning library that provides intuitive APIs and an effective algorithm to handle machine literacy operations. We write it in Scala. As we know machine learning algorithms are iterative in nature, Flink provides native support for iterative algorithms to handle the same relatively effectively and efficiently.  

Architecture of Flink

Flink works in Master-slave fashion. Master is the director knot of the cluster where slaves are the worker bumps. As shown in the figure master is the centerpiece of the cluster where the customer can submit the work/ job/ operation. Now the master will divide the whole work into subparts and submit it to the slaves in the cluster. In this manner, Flink enjoys distributed calculating power which allows Flink to reuse the data at a lightning-fast speed.  

There are two types of bumps a master and a slave knot. On the master knot, we configure the master daemon of Flink called “ Job Manager” runs, and on all the slave bumps the slave daemon of the Flink is called “ Node Manager”. 

Execution Model of Flink

  • Program – Inventor wrote the operation program.
  • Parse and Optimize – During this step, the law parsing, Type Extractor, and Optimization are done.
  • Data Flow Graph – Each and every job converts into the data inflow graph.
  • Job Manager – Now job director schedules the task on the task directors; keeps the data inflow metadata. The job director spreads the drivers and monitors the intermediate task results
  • Task Manager – The tasks are executed on the task director, they’re the worker bumps.