What is Apple MGIE? How to Use MGIE’s AI Image Editing

Apple has unveiled a groundbreaking AI model, MGIE (Multimodal Large Language Model-Guided Image Editing), that is set to revolutionize the field of image editing. Developed in collaboration with researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, MGIE leverages multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to interpret text instructions and translate them into pixel-level image edits.

What is Apple MGIE?

MGIE, which stands for Multimodal Large Language Model-Guided Image Editing, is a revolutionary AI model developed by Apple. It’s designed to interpret text instructions and translate them into pixel-level image edits.

In simple terms, you can give MGIE a command like “make the sky more blue,” and the AI will understand your instruction and apply the appropriate edits to the image. This makes image editing more accessible and intuitive, as you don’t need to know how to use complex editing software, you just need to describe what you want in natural language.

This technology opens up new possibilities for image editing, making it easier for everyone to create the images they envision. It’s a significant step forward in making AI and technology more user-friendly and accessible.

How Does Apple MGIE Work?

The Apple MGIE works its magic on images through a two-way approach:

1. Instruction Derivation

It uses MLLMs to solve user prompts (e.g., “make the sky more blue”) and convert them into clear, concise directives for editing (e.g., “increase sky saturation by 20%”). This ensures both accuracy and efficiency.

2. Visual Imagination

Apple’s MGIE employs MLLMs to build a “latent representation” of the desired edit, essentially capturing its essence. This representation serves as a guide for pixel-level manipulation, leading to precise and natural-looking changes.

MGIE vs Adobe Photoshop: Similarities and Differences

The MGIE AI and Photoshop are both image editing tools with distinct approaches and target audiences. While Photoshop is the industry standard, catering to professionals and experienced users with its extensive toolbox and manual controls, MGIE takes a revolutionary approach by leveraging natural language processing, making it highly accessible even for beginners unfamiliar with traditional editing software.

Both tools share common ground in fundamental edits like cropping, resizing, and applying filters, as well as enhancing overall image quality through adjustments to brightness, contrast, and color. However, Apple’s MGIE excels in performing localized edits, allowing users to manipulate specific objects and blend images seamlessly, features less prominent in Photoshop’s core functionality.

Additionally, AI-powered MGIE’s open-source nature fosters customization and community-driven development, setting it apart from Photoshop’s proprietary model. In essence, the MGIE prioritizes ease of use and accessibility through natural language prompts, while Photoshop empowers experienced users with a broader set of manual controls, catering to distinct user groups with varying editing needs and technical expertise.

The Future of Image Editing with Apple MGIE

With the release of MGIE, Apple has opened up a new frontier for image editing, eliminating the need for complex software and technical expertise. Users can now easily edit their photos by simply typing out what they want to change about the picture. For example, if a user wants to make an image of a pepperoni pizza look healthier, they can type “make it more healthy” and the model will add vegetable toppings.

Apple’s MGIE is a commitment to the power of AI in transforming the way we interact with digital media. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative tools like MGIE that make technology more accessible and intuitive for everyone.