What is Article Spinning and why should you avoid it?

Article Spinning is a technique used to create new articles from existing content by changing some words, sentences, and structure while retaining the original meaning of the content. This is used to generate multiple versions of the same article quickly and cheaply to publish the same content on different websites to increase the article’s reach and create backlinks. The spinning can be done automatically or manually, and this is not recommended as it can result in poorly written and confusing content that can be difficult to understand. Also, search engines may detect the similarities between the original and the spun articles and penalize the website for producing low-quality content. Additionally, it can lead to unethical practices such as plagiarism and violations of copyright laws.

Avoid  Article Spinning

It is not only limited to writing articles and blogs but is also used in other applications such as personalization messages and new AI tools like chatbots. It is more important to avoid article spinning and create original, high-quality content that provides value to the readers. If you are taking inspiration from the existing content, it is more important to mention the author or reference the source. Using AI tools such as Copyscape can help check the content for plagiarism, and it is best to avoid using automated spinning software.

Why Article Spinning is used?

Article spinning is used to create multiple versions of an article quickly and inexpensively. This is often used by content creators who want to repurpose their existing content for a new audience or increase search engine rankings by generating backlinks. It can also save time for the content writer as it eliminates the need for extensive research into the target audience, market, and subject-matter experts.
Although it may appear like a time-efficient and expedient approach, the practice of article spinning often yields content that can have bad effects on search engine optimization (SEO) and affect the reputation of both the writer and their website. Despite the drawbacks, some authors may use this method to enhance pre-existing content and compete with their competitors. Nevertheless, this strategy is not advised as it can make a bad impact on the writer’s credibility and harm their audience’s trust. Therefore, it is imperative to concentrate on generating high-quality content that enriches the readers’ experience and sticks to ethical principles such as appropriate citation and referencing of sources.

Types of Article Spinning

There are two types of article spinning manual and automated, but it is not recommended for any writer to use this method because this is not a good practice to increase traffic on the website or article views.

  • Manual Spinning: Manual spinning involves a writer in which he or she rewrites an article by changing words, phrases, and sentence structures to create a new version of the content. This method of spinning is time-consuming and requires a human to read and understand the original article before attempting to rewrite it. But manual spinning also allows the writer to produce high-quality content that is more readable and easier to understand.
  • Automated Spinning: On the other hand, automated spinning involves using software to rewrite articles quickly and efficiently. There are two types of automated spinning: 
    • One-click spinning is a simple technique in which the software replaces the original words or phrases in the article with their synonyms to create a new version of the content. This technique is quick and easy to use, but the content can be difficult to read and may contain errors, creating a problem for the users.
    • Full-sentence spinning involves rewriting entire sentences in the article using its synonyms or changing the structure of the article or the paragraph. This type of spinning produces higher-quality content than one-click spinning but can still result in bad sentences and other grammatical errors.

Why Should you Avoid it?

  • One problem with this is that it can be low-quality content that is difficult to read and understand. This is because the spinning process may introduce grammatical errors or bad phrasing, which can make the article hard to understand. When the readers struggle to understand an article, they are less likely to engage with it or share it, or return from your website.
  • Another problem with article spinning is that search engines are getting better day by day at detecting this type of spinning. When search engines detect an article has been spun, they may penalize the website that published it by lowering its search engine ranking or even removing it from search results. This can decrease the overall ranking of websites that rely on search engine traffic to attract visitors.
  • Finally, it can also lead to copyright laws. Even if the new article is not identical to the original, it may still be too similar and could be considered a rephrased article. This means that the new article could violate the original author’s copyright.

Methods and Tips to Avoid Article Spinning

In order to make your content high quality and competitive with the others, we have mentioned various strategies and tips to avoid article spinning. These recommendations will assist you in producing quality content.

  • Do Proper Research: While thinking about writing an article on any topic, you should do your proper research on the topic you are going to write about and the targeted audience. This will make sure that your content is good and well-researched, and this process will make sure that your content is plagiarism-free.
  • Hire a Content Writer in Your Industry: If you are not confident about your content or you do not have the time to write an article on your own, then you should hire a content writer to write your content on your behalf. This will make sure that your content is unique and high-quality, and the writer will make sure of everything from structuring the content to ensuring that it is original and engaging.
  • Structure your content: While writing content, it is very important to structure your article to make sure that it is easier for your readers and that they can easily understand what you are trying to share with them. Hiring a content writer can help you structure your article, and they can also help you with proper headings, subheadings, bullet points, and formatting.
  • Ensure Your Content Is Unique: Unique content is essential to stand out from your competitors and helps to attract more audience to your article or website. Duplicate content or content that has already been spun can harm your website’s reputation and impact your search engine ranking, so to avoid these types of flaws, make sure your content is unique.
  • Avoid Shortcuts: We know that making new content unique and well-structured takes time to come up with new ideas and techniques but this will make sure that your content will be good and unique, so rather than take shortcuts, invest some time in doing research or take help from professional writers.
  • Edit and Proofread Your Content: Before going to publish your article, it is important to edit and proofread it thoroughly to ensure that it does not contain any type of error and is easier for the user to understand. This will make sure that the content is fully original and free from spinning. Now, you can enjoy functional content that engages a new targeted audience.


In conclusion, article spinning can have a negative impact on search engine op Without using article spinning, writers can create quality material by conducting adequate research, employing a content writer, organizing the information, and guaranteeing its originality. Writers may improve their reputation, draw more readers, and give their audience useful content by emphasizing quality over quantity.