What is Asexual Reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction where offspring are produced from a single parent, without the fusion of gametes from two individuals. Types of asexual reproduction include:

  • Binary fission: Division of a single-celled organism into two identical offspring, as seen in bacteria and amoebas.
  • Budding: Growth of a new organism from an outgrowth or bud on the parent organism, common in yeast and hydra.
  • Fragmentation: Breakage of the parent organism into fragments, each of which develops into a new individual, observed in certain flatworms and starfish.
  • Sporulation: Formation of specialized reproductive cells called spores, which develop into new individuals, seen in molds, fungi, and some plants.
  • Regeneration: Regrowth of lost or damaged body parts into complete organisms, as seen in planarians and some species of lizards and starfish.