What is Cloud Database Security in DBMS?

Cloud Database Security in DBMS is a system located on a cloud computing platform. It consists of an ordered data set controlled and hosted in a public, private, and hybrid environment. Examples of cloud database security in DBMS are data and resource access control, as well as user and device authentication.

Cloud database security protects against malware, hackers, and unauthorized users accessing or using data in a cloud environment.

What is Cloud Database Security in DBMS?

Cloud database security in DBMS refers to the procedures and tools utilized to defend data, applications, and infrastructure hosted on the cloud against intrusions, breaches, and illegal access.

Cloud platform providers and other database services that host their software on a provider’s infrastructure provide a lot of cloud database services for enterprises that choose not to manage their cloud database.

Importance of Cloud Database Security in DBMS

  • Cloud data storage poses security risks as well as governance and compliance issues IT professionals are still hesitant to move more data and apps to the cloud.
  • They fear that better-intentioned disclosures or more advanced cyberattacks might damage highly sensitive data and intellectual property.
  • Cloud security has become exceptionally important as cloud computing is presently being used by the majority of enterprises in one form or another.
  • Maintaining the assurance of your clients and protecting the resources that give you a competitive edge requires taking proactive measures to prevent data breaches and theft.

Features of Cloud Database Security in DMBS

Below are some features of cloud database security in DBMS

  • Monitoring database: When feasible, use customer-managed keys rather than those from cloud providers. One effective strategy to lower the risk associated with third-party access to cloud database resources is to remove cloud providers from critical management and usage.
  • Manage Passwords: Consider automating access control using password management or access management software if your company is huge. This will give authorized users a temporary password and necessary permissions each time they need to access a database.
  • Logging capabilities: Give each database complete logging capabilities. For monitoring and responding to incidents involving unauthorized or malicious access attempts, logs can be sent to a central security event management system.
  • Encrypted database access: When it is feasible, enable encrypted database access. Sensitive information and other cloud data assets might benefit from encryption to prevent unintentional exposure and unauthorized access by attackers without the necessary decryption keys.

Advantages of Cloud Database Security in DMBS

Below are some advantages of cloud database security in DBMS

  • Reduced prices: The administrative and managerial load associated with cloud database security is decreased, as well as the total cost of ownership (TCO). The newest security features and technologies are also provided by cloud providers.
  • Increased visibility: Effective cloud database security protocols enable you to keep an eye on your cloud’s internal operations, including the data assets you own and their locations, the users of your services, and the types of data they are accessing.
  • Native Applications: Without the need for further installation or setup, cloud databases let you access data from any location. This facilitates the process for developers to construct native apps that utilize cloud-stored data.
  • Data encryption: Sensitive information must always be protected by organizations, no matter where it travels. Cloud service providers employ many levels of sophisticated encryption to safeguard cloud data, assisting you in tackling secure cloud data transit, storage, and sharing.

Disadvantages of Cloud Database Security in DMBS

Below are some disadvantages of cloud database security in DBMS

  • Account hijacking: This technique involves using phishing and exploiting security holes in third-party software to get login credentials. Once an attacker has access to an account, they may take control of it and expose all of the user’s data as well as those of other users on the cloud.
  • Misconfiguration: Cloud settings increase over time as more services are added by providers. Numerous businesses use multiple providers.
  • Data loss: Cybercriminals who have unauthorized access to confidential or private information can erase all records in addition to seeing and using the information. Errors can simultaneously affect all user devices linked to the cloud if all records are kept in a single cloud-based datastore.
  • Data breaches: Without advanced cloud data security solutions, businesses are far more vulnerable to data breaches, which may lead to expensive fines for noncompliance and eroded consumer confidence.


In this article, we have learned about Cloud Database Security in DBMS. By providing data and resource access control, user and device authentication, and data access control, these security measures guarantee data privacy. They also help to maintain data compliance obligations.

What is Cloud Database Security in DBMS – FAQs

How database is managed in the cloud?

One can access the cloud database as a service. It controls the physical infrastructure of the cloud service provider, which handles the majority of the administration, maintenance, and operation.

Is cloud database secure?

Risks associated with cloud databases include viruses, loss, and breaches.

Why do we use cloud databases?

Cloud databases may lower risk and operating expenses while enhancing the scalability, agility, and security of your business. These advantages can be increased even more by switching to a DBaaS.

Where are cloud databases stored?

Any cloud-based apps and data you have are physically kept on a server at a data centre or server farm.

Can the Access database be stored in the cloud?

You may transfer your Access database “as-is” to a cloud computer online and utilize it from any location at any time.