What is CRDT in Distributed Systems?

In the Distributed system, ensuring data consistency across the different nodes is a very critical challenge to solving this complex problem here comes out concept of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT). CRDT enables multiple replicas of data to be updated independently and concurrently without the need for complex synchronization protocols.

Important Topics for CRDT in Distributed Systems

  • What is CRDT in Distributed Systems?
  • Types of CRDT
  • Use Case and Practical Applications of CRDT
  • Advantages of CRDT
  • Challenges and Limitations of CRDT

What is CRDT in Distributed Systems?

CRDT is a data structure used in distributed systems that allows multiple replicas of data to be updated independently and concurrently. These data structures ensure that all replicas eventually converge to a consistent state, even if updates occur out of order or if some nodes experience temporary network outages. This makes it a suitable solution for distributed databases and systems.

Some of the key features of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT) are as follows:

  • Conflict-Free: CRDTs are mainly used to resolve conflicts automatically. They ensure that concurrent updates do not require manual resolution or complex conflict resolution algorithms.
  • Replication: Data is replicated across multiple nodes, allowing each replica to accept updates and synchronize with other replicas. CRDT ensure that all replicas will eventually reach the same state.
  • Data Types: CRDT comes in various forms, including counters, sets, and graphs, as well as more complex structures like JSON objects. Each type supports operations that can be applied concurrently without causing inconsistencies.
  • Eventual Consistency: CRDT contains the concept of eventual consistency, meaning that while replicas might temporarily diverge, they will eventually converge to the same state after all updates are executed.

Types of CRDT

CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types) can be classified into two main categories based on how they handle concurrent updates and ensure eventual consistency:

1. Operation-based CRDTs

In operation-based CRDTs, each update to the data structure is represented as an operation. These operations are commutative and idempotent, meaning they can be applied in any order and multiple times without changing the result. Operation-based CRDTs use a combination of operations and metadata (like timestamps or unique identifiers) to ensure that concurrent updates from different replicas can be merged correctly without conflicts. Examples of operation-based CRDTs include:

  • Counter: A counter CRDT allows increment and decrement operations to be applied concurrently across replicas, ensuring that the final count is consistent across all replicas.
  • Set: A set CRDT supports add and remove operations for adding or removing elements from a set. Concurrent add and remove operations are merged to ensure that the set remains consistent across replicas.
  • List: A list CRDT supports insert and delete operations for modifying a list of elements. Concurrent insertions and deletions are merged to maintain a consistent order of elements across replicas.

2. State-based CRDTs

In state-based CRDTs, each replica maintains its state independently and periodically exchanges its state with other replicas to ensure eventual convergence. State-based CRDTs use a merge function to combine the states of different replicas in a deterministic manner, ensuring that all replicas eventually converge to the same state. Examples of state-based CRDTs include:

  • Grow-only Set: A grow-only set CRDT allows elements to be added to the set but not removed. Each replica maintains its set of elements, and when exchanging states with other replicas, it merges the sets by taking the union of all elements.
  • Last-Write-Wins Register: In this CRDT, each replica maintains a register with a single value, and updates to the register are timestamped. When merging states, the update with the highest timestamp is chosen, ensuring that the most recent update wins.
  • Observed-Remove Set: This CRDT extends the grow-only set to support removal of elements. Each removal operation is accompanied by a tombstone indicating that the element has been removed. When merging states, tombstones are used to remove elements that have been deleted from one replica but not from others.

Use Case and Practical Applications of CRDT

CRDT are especially useful in scenarios where high availability, partition tolerance, and eventual consistency are critical. Some use case and practical applications include:

  • Collaborative Editing: Platforms like Google Docs or collaborative coding tools can use CRDT to allow multiple users to edit documents simultaneously without conflicts.
  • Distributed Databases: Databases like Riak and Redis have implemented CRDT to provide high availability and eventual consistency.
  • Offline-First Applications: Mobile or web applications that need to function offline and sync data when reconnected can leverage CRDT to ensure data consistency across sessions.
  • Multiplayer Online Games: Manages concurrent updates to game state for seamless multiplayer experiences.
  • Decentralized Systems: Facilitates decentralized data management in peer-to-peer networks and blockchain applications.
  • Strong Eventual Consistency: Maintains consistency and fault tolerance without manual conflict resolution.

Advantages of CRDT

There are several benefits of CRDT as discussed below:

  • High Availability: CRDT allow systems to remain operational even when some nodes are offline or experiencing network issues. Each replica can continue to accept updates independently.
  • Low Latency: Since CRDT do not require immediate coordination between replicas, updates can be processed locally, resulting in lower latency for operations.
  • Automatic Conflict Resolution: CRDT automatically resolve conflicts without the need for complex resolution logic, simplifying development and maintenance.
  • Scalability: CRDT facilitate horizontal scaling by allowing the addition of more replicas to handle increased load without significant architectural changes.

Challenges and Limitations of CRDT

While CRDT offer numerous benefits, there are certain challenges and limitations as well like:

  • Complexity of Design:
    • Designing CRDTs can be complex, especially for more sophisticated data types such as graphs or trees.
    • Ensuring that the CRDT maintains its properties (such as convergence and convergence semantics) across concurrent updates and network partitions requires careful consideration and testing.
  • Storage Overhead:
    • Some CRDT implementations may require additional metadata to track the operations performed on the data structure, leading to increased storage overhead compared to traditional data structures.
    • This can impact the scalability and performance of the system, particularly for large datasets.
  • Merge Function Complexity:
    • CRDTs rely on merge functions to reconcile concurrent updates from different replicas.
    • Designing efficient and correct merge functions can be challenging, especially for complex data types or in scenarios where conflicts are difficult to resolve automatically.
  • Concurrency Control:
    • While CRDTs provide conflict-free merging of updates, they may still require mechanisms for coordinating access to shared resources or enforcing application-specific consistency constraints.
    • Implementing efficient concurrency control mechanisms alongside CRDTs can be non-trivial.


Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT) provide a reliable solution for maintaining consistency in distributed systems in various scenarios like demanding high availability and low latency. As the need for distributed applications will continue grow the need of CRDT will also increase for ensuring data consistency and system reliability.