What is currency filter in AngularJS ?

In this article, we will know the currency filters in AngularJS, along with understanding its implementation through the examples. Filters are used to modify or format the given data in a certain way. AngularJS has different filters such as uppercase, lowercase, etc. One of those filters is the currency filter. 

The Currency filter modifies or formats a given number into a currency. In other terms, we are just taking a number and displaying it in a specific currency format.

Syntax for HTML Template:

{{ amount | currency : symbol : fractionSize}}

Syntax for JavaScript: 

$filter('currency')(amount, symbol, fractionSize)

Parameters: It accepts 2 parameters, which are described below:

  • amount: The number input needed to format into currency.
  • symbol: It is an optional parameter where we provide the symbol or identifier we want to display. By default, it is set to the dollar symbol.
  • fractionSize: It round of the specific number to particular decimal places. It’s an optional parameter & by default, it is set to the default max for the current locale.

Example: This example describes the currency filter without using the optional parameters.


    <title>Currency Filter</title>
    <script src=
            Currency Filter without optional parameters
        <div ng-app="myApp" 
            <p>Number: {{curr}}</p>
            <p>After applying currency filter: </p>
            <p>Price = {{ curr | currency}}</p>
            var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
            var curr = 1000.5555;
            app.controller('currencyCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.curr = curr;


Currency filter without parameters

Example: This example describes the currency filter with optional parameters.


    <title>Currency Filter</title>
    <script src=
        <h3>Currency Filter with optional parameters</h3>
        <div ng-app="myApp" 
            <p>Number: {{curr}}</p>
            <p>After applying currency filter: </p>
            <p>Price = {{ curr | currency : "₹" :3}}</p>
            var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
            var curr = 1000.5555;
            app.controller('currencyCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.curr = curr;


Currency filter with parameters