What is Fedora’s DNF package manager and how to use it?

A package manager is a program that helps you to manage and install and manage apps and their dependencies on a system. While Debian-based systems have dpkg and APT as their package managers and Arch-based systems have Pacman, Fedora-based systems use DNF.

What is DNF?

DNF or Dandified YUM is the package manager of Fedora and Fedora derivatives and is the successor of Yellow-dog Updater Modified or YUM package manager. It is used to manage packages, i.e. install, upgrade, update, reinstall, and uninstall them among other things. DNF has been the default package manager of Fedora since version 22 (2015) and it was first introduced in version 18 in 2013.


RPM is also a package management system in Fedora and DNF works on top of it. Fedora’s documentation pushes users towards DNF instead of using RPM, as it is not capable of automatically finding and installing dependencies of a package, which means users will have to manually find and install them.

Today we will learn how to use the DNF package manager; i.e. You would learn how to install, search, uninstall, and do more things using it.

Structure of command

The basic structure of the command is

DNF [options] COMMAND

Basic and most frequent commands

Search packages

This command is used when you want to search Fedora repositories for a given package, after entering this command it will show all the available packages in the repository which match the search term, it searches within the name first, then searches for matches in name and summary. It is similar to how you search for packages in graphical stores.

To search for a package, you need to enter the “search” command along with the package that you want and it will show you all available packages matching that query:

dnf search [package name]

DNF search

Installing packages

The “install” command will help you to install packages from the repositories. You can use this command to install one or multiple packages, to install multiple packages you just have to type the name of the packages with a space in between them. This command requires sudo privileges.

To install one package

sudo dnf install [[package name]]

using DNF to install one package

To install multiple packages

sudo dnf install [[package 1]] [[package 2]] [[package 3]] ..... [[package n]]

Installing multiple packages using DNF

Upgrading packages and system

Nobody likes old packages, so if you want to update your system along with its packages you can use the “upgrade” command. Sudo privileges are required.

sudo dnf upgrade

Upgrading using DNF

Upgrade a specific package

to upgrade a specific package you need to type

sudo dnf upgrade [[package name]]

Upgrading individual package using DNF

Listing available updates

To check for available package updates without installing them you should enter:

dnf check-update

Checking for updates using DNF

Removing packages

A package broke your computer or maybe you don’t need it anymore, in that case, you can use the “remove” command to uninstall applications from the system, this is equivalent to the “remove” command in Debian-based systems. This also needs sudo privileges to run.

sudo dnf remove [[package name]]

Removing packages using DNF

Removing multiple packages

To remove multiple packages you should enter the name of each package separated by a space.

sudo dnf remove [[package 1]] [[package 2]] [[package 3]] ..... [[package n]]

Removing multiple packages using DNF

Removing unused dependencies

You uninstalled the package but it still has a lot of leftovers in your system in the form of dependencies, you don’t have to worry, just use the “autoremove” command to remove all the dependencies left behind in the system. You need to have “sudo” privileges for this command to work.

sudo dnf autoremove

Auto-removing leftover dependencies using DNF

Reinstalling packages

You accidentally broke a package (it happens ok!) or it just started acting up, you can easily reinstall it using the following command.

sudo dnf reinstall [[package name]]

Reinstalling using DNF

Listing packages

To list all the available packages in the repository (for some reason if you just want to do that! you do you.) you could enter the following command

dnf list

Listing the packages you installed

The “dnf list” command will list all the available packages in the repository, but most of the time that is of no use to us; to list only the packages that you installed you could use the”–installed” option along with the “list”

dnf list --installed

Listing installed apps

Searching within the list of installed apps

Even, “dnf list –installed” would yield so many results, if you want to further narrow down your options you could use the grep command with it, the “grep” command searches for a value within the output.

You could use grep command in combination with the list command like this:

dnf list --installed | grep [[package name]]

Searching for a particular package in the installed packages

Want more help? No worries

The “help” option will help (ahm) you, it will list all the basic commands you possibly might need.

To use it enter the following command into the terminal.

dnf --help

if you have a more specific use case, you can always read the man pages of DNF using:

man dnf

Some Examples of installing popular apps using DNF

  • Installing Firefox
sudo dnf install firefox
  • Installing VLC media player
sudo dnf install vlc

An image showing installation of VLC

  • Installing GIMP
sudo dnf install gimp

Installing GIMP


Thats it! Now you know all the basic DNF commands to install, update, uninstall and do other things with apps. All you need to do now is to just open the terminal and start managing those nice packages with the new skills that you just learned. Let us know about the DNF commands you use most frequently in the comments. You can learn more about DNF in Fedora documentation or you could always read the man pages of DNF.