What is Integration Databases in NoSQL?

In NoSQL databases, integration databases refer to databases that combine different types of NoSQL databases and/or traditional relational databases to provide a comprehensive and flexible data storage solution. This can help organizations to overcome some of the limitations of using a single type of database and to take advantage of the strengths of multiple database types.

Integration databases typically use a middleware layer to connect and communicate between the different types of databases. The middleware layer provides a uniform interface for applications to access data across the different databases, which can simplify application development and improve performance.

One of the benefits of integration databases is that they can help organizations to use the best database type for each data storage requirement. For example, some data may be best stored in a document database, while other data may be best stored in a graph database. By using an integration database, organizations can store all of their data in a single place while taking advantage of the strengths of each database type.

Another benefit of integration databases is that they can provide greater scalability and reliability than using a single database. By using a distributed database architecture, organizations can distribute their data across multiple servers and data centers, which can improve performance and provide greater resilience in the event of a hardware failure or other issues.

Some popular integration databases in NoSQL include:

  1. Apache Cassandra: A distributed database that is designed for scalability and high availability, and supports multiple data models, including column-family, document, and graph.
  2. Apache Hadoop: A distributed data processing framework that supports a variety of data sources, including HBase, Cassandra, and MongoDB.
  3. Apache Kafka: A distributed streaming platform that can be used to integrate multiple data sources and to stream data to multiple destinations.
  4. Overall, integration databases in NoSQL can provide a powerful solution for organizations that need to store and manage large volumes of data across multiple data sources. By using a middleware layer to connect and communicate between different types of databases, organizations can take advantage of the strengths of each database type and provide a flexible and scalable solution for their data storage needs.


Nowadays, an enormous amount of information is been made each second. This information is of different schemes-unstructured, structured, and semi-structured data. The variety and volume of this information can’t be managed by traditional databases. Therefore, NoSQL frameworks have emerged, which is another age of database frameworks.

To handle data that is heterogeneous, NoSQL databases are more proficient at this. Tools that can be used to scale for accommodating a large volume of information are required by NoSQL data integration, however, manual complicated coding is required by conventional SQL ETL tools. and also they include methods disturbing creation sources.

A database serving as a store for numerous applications is called an integration database and therefore, data is integrated across applications. A schema is needed by an integration database, and all applications of clients are taken by the schema into account. Either the resultant schema is general or complicated or both.

Here is an example for a better understanding of the integration database. For example, the computation data of an organization is stored in the Oracle database and client information is stored in Salesforce. The employees can get the integrated data of the two frameworks in a single spot with the help of database integration processes. website database integration is used by a few organizations for managing and bringing together information from different site pages. Database integration is only viable with the consolidation of data from on-premise systems, legacy systems, and cloud databases. Different software is used by each company.

Benefits of Database Integration for Business

Here are a few benefits of database integration:

  • Database integration helps in managing a large amount of data of an enterprise coming from a central location hence improving the experience for customers and also reducing delivery time. It helps in gaining control of data.
  • Database integration makes it easy to ensure compliance of the business by enabling centralized management.
  • The consolidation of data is allowed by the tools of database integration from a vast assortment of sources, which is then edited, changed, and loaded into the selected target database.

Data Integration Solutions for NoSQL Systems

Here are some methods for solving data integration problems in reference to NoSQL:

  • Save Our Systems(SOS) is integration by a Middleware system permitting access to data stored in various NoSQL databases within a single application utilizing an API.
  • SQL++ is a unifying semi-structured data model and query language for SQL-on-Hadoop, NoSQL, and new SQL databases following a uniform data access technique for solving issues of variations of databases query languages.
  • A metamodel-based data merging approach is another implementation of the constant data access method. It is a user-friendly interface that helps to query data from heterogeneous databases without any programming skills.
  • QueryArrow is integrated by the Middleware approach and is a generic software that queries and updates data from numerous databases.