What is JavaScript ?

JavaScript is a single-threaded, synchronous programming and scripting language widely used in web development. It plays a crucial role in both front-end and back-end development, enabling dynamic and interactive user experiences. Unlike compiled languages, JavaScript is interpreted through web browsers, making it highly accessible and versatile. It is a loosely typed (or weakly typed) language, meaning variable types are determined at runtime.

JavaScript enhances web page interactivity by allowing dynamic content updates, handling button clicks, setting timed updates, and more.

History of JavaScript

JavaScript’s history began in 1993 with the creation of the first popular web browser, Mosaic. In 1994, Netscape, founded by Marc Andreessen, sought to make the web more interactive by adding a programming language to web pages. Brendan Eich was hired to develop this language, initially planning to use Scheme. However, after Netscape merged with Sun Microsystems, they decided to incorporate Java into their browser to compete with Microsoft. To avoid confusion between the new scripting language and Java, Netscape named the scripting language “LiveScript,” later changing it to “JavaScript” in December 1995. The first version was called “Mocha” by Marc Andreessen but was renamed to “JavaScript” due to trademark and other reasons.

Different ways of including JavaScript in HTML

To use JavaScript in a web page we need to include it inside the HTML document. The below ways can be used to include a JavaScript file in an HTML document.

Using the Internal JavaScript:

Internal JavaScript is the JavaScript code that is written inside the HTML document using the script tag. The script tag that contains the JavaScript code can be defined either inside the body tag or head tag. It is recommended to write the internal JavaScript code at the end of the body tag.


    // JavaScript Code here

Using the External JavaScript:

The external JavaScript code is written in a external JavaScript file with the .js extension. The JavaScript file can be included in the HTML using the script tag with the src attribute to specify the path of the external script file so that the script written in that file can be executed.

Hello World in JavaScript

We will print the “Hello World” in the console.

// First program of JavaScript
console.log("Hello World");

Hello World

Application of JavaScript

These are the following applications of JavaScript that are used in browser for dynamic behavior:

  • Dynamic drop-down menus
  • Modal boxes and popups
  • For displaying the Date and Time on the screen
  • For displaying the Digital clocks
  • Used for validation on Client-side
  • Dynamic behaviour of buttons and links

Advantages of using JavaScript

JavaScript offers numerous advantages, making it a preferred choice for web development:

  • Easy to Learn: JavaScript has a simple syntax compared to other programming languages like Java, C++, and C, making it easy for beginners to understand and quickly start developing websites.
  • Client-Side Scripting: JavaScript enhances web page interactivity by dynamically updating content and handling various functions on the client side.
  • Support for Asynchronous Programming: Although JavaScript is single-threaded and synchronous, it supports asynchronous programming, allowing network requests and other operations without blocking code execution.
  • Server-Side Development: JavaScript is not limited to the client side; it can also be used for server-side scripting with frameworks like Node.js.
  • Versatility: JavaScript supports both Object-Oriented and Functional Programming, making it versatile for different programming paradigms and use cases.
  • Community Support: A large, active community of developers contributes to JavaScript’s extensive ecosystem, leading to better knowledge sharing, collaboration, and development of open-source tools and resources.

Limitations of JavaScript

Despite its advantages, JavaScript has some limitations:

  • Lack of Multi-Threading: JavaScript does not support multi-threading and multiprocessor capabilities, limiting parallel workflow.
  • Not Suitable for Networking Applications: JavaScript lacks built-in modules for networking applications.
  • Client-Side Security Restrictions: For security reasons, JavaScript does not allow reading or writing files on the client side.


Understanding what JavaScript is and its capabilities is essential for modern web development. Its versatility, ease of learning, and extensive community support make it a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. However, developers must also be aware of its limitations to use it effectively.