What is Love – Meaning, Full Form, Signs and Quotes

Love is a set of emotions and feelings that a person has towards another person. One can define love as strong affection for another person. It is a set of emotions with intimacy, passion, and commitment. True love means care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, & trust. Every being present on the planet experiences love.

What is love

When it comes to defining love, philosophers, scientists, dreamers, and poets have over the years tried to explain what love is. It’s often a debate whether love is a biological or cultural phenomenon. It is most likely that both biology & culture influence love. Hormones & biology are essential, but our conceptions of love, influence the way we express & experience love.

Full Form Of Love

Love is not an acronym so it does not have any full form. Although people have defined the Love Fulll form by own. Love is one of the most beautiful feeling that we experience as humans. It is a variety of different feelings, states and emotions that range from interpersonal affection to pleasure. So the best full form of Love will be “Life’s Only Valuable Emotion”.

  • L = Life’s
  • O = Only
  • V = Valuable
  • E = Emotion

Types of Love

There are Different types of love based on emotion, attraction and feelings. According to famous Psychologist Robert Sternberg, Type of love are as follows:

1. Friendship Love: The friendship love is the feeling between two friends. Friendship Love means to some internal emotional feeling for their true friend. School and College can sometimes referred as Friendship Love.

2. Infatuation Love: Infatuation Love means having intense feelings of attraction for someone without a sense of commitment; it often takes place in the early stage of a relationship & may lead to a more lasting love.

3. Passionate Love: Passionate love is defined as intense feelings of longing & attraction; it involves when we idealize the other person & feel the constant need to be physically close to the person.

4. Compassionate/Companionate Love: It is a form of love is marked by trust, affection, intimacy, & commitment.

5. Unrequited love ( One Sided Love): happens when one person loves another but their feelings are not reciprocated.

Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Do you know? Psychologist Robert Sternberg said that love is made up of three components: intimacy, passion, & commitment and the interaction between these produces seven types of love.

Type of Love









Intimacy, Passion




Commitment, Passion


Intimacy, Compassion, Commitment

How to know you fall in love

People often got confused about they have the feeling of love for someone or not. Being in love with someone is one of the most wonderful things a human being gets to experience. How one falls in love may vary from individual to individual, but there are some common signs through which one can feel you fall in Love.

  • Always trying to catch a glimpse : This is a classic sign of infatuation, losing yourself in the eyes of the person you are in love with. Its like when you see the person you love, you not only see their appearance, but also dream about a future with them.
  • Not doing routine activities : When we are with the person we love, all we want to do is spend more & more time with them. One doesn’t feel like doing anything else, but just to be in the presence of that person. We start thinking of ways how we can be more in touch with them & may also start doing the things they like.
  • Losing a track of the time : You enjoy each & every moment with the person you love & end up feeling like no matter what, you need to spend more time with them.
  • No wrong can be done by them : At times, when we are in love with someone, we tend to create an unrealistic image of who they are, thinking that they are perfect & can never do anything wrong.
  • Being optimistic : We feel very energetic & optimistic when we are in love. There’s a lot of zeal & happiness. Being with our partner, helps reduce stress & boost our mental health.
  • Try being close to them : Being in love, always wants us to be close to that person. We want to share all our feelings & have an intimate bond with them.
  • They are always on our mind : When in love, the other person preoccupies our thoughts. We are constantly thinking about what they might be doing. It affects our emotion, cognition & social bonding. This may make us feel closer to the person.
  • We wish them happiness : One of the greatest things about being in love is that we always want to make the other person happy. Seeing them happy, makes you happy. Its about being in love & spreading happiness.

How to know someone loves you?

As Love becomes a complex feeling sometimes for an individual when they think he/she is in love, people tend to show their love in different ways. It can be hard at times to know if someone loves you or not, especially when they are quite shy about expressing themselves.

There can be several reasons why a person may hold back to his/her feelings, maybe a traumatic past experience or not being able to open up. Some common signs to know that a person is in love with you :

  • The Way They Look at You : Having eye contact is one of the signs that someone is falling in love with you. Psychologists have studies this & they say that this is a nonverbal sign that can mean a lot & reveal deeper feelings from your partner. When one catches their partner glancing at them, it means that their partner likes spending time with them. They are happy around you.
  • Taking Care of You : If one’s partner come to take care of them when they get to know that they are ill or are feeling low, is a great sign that shows their love for you. If they ask if you need anything, its a way of showing how much they love you.
  • Respecting Personal Space : If you need some space, they ensure that you get it. A partner should be able to listen & understand when you need space. S/he needs to respect that.
  • Asking for Advice : When a person is in love, they carry deep regard for what the other person has to say & would always want their opinion on important decisions. This shows a deep sense of trust & belief.
  • Making you Feel Good about Who You are : At times, if you feel low or don’t feel too good about yourself, the person who loves you will always try to cheer you up & keep you happy.
  • Introducing You to Their Family : This is a big step that enhances a relationship. Family is one of the closest people , who look out for you & care for you. Introducing someone to one’s family, is seen as a great sign of of commitment & trust required for a healthy relationship. It means that they see the future with you.
  • Asking About Your Day :This shows that your partner cares about you & wants to know incase there is something that may have caused you discomfort.
  • Expressing Themselves : At times, it can be really be hard for the other person to be open. It takes a while, but when they start expressing their true emotions, it means that they trust you. This helps in better communication.
  • Making you Feel Secure : A sense of safety is very important & a partner who loves you will consistently strive to make you feel comfortable & secure. They won’t try to control any of your decisions, they will support you & guide you incase you ask them for any advice.
  • Being a Good Listener : When a person loves you, they will always take out time & listen to what you have to say. This leads to better communication in a relationship.
  • Not trying to Change who You are : When you love someone, you support their personal growth. They love you for who you are.
  • Helping You Out : A loving partner will want to help you whenever & however they can. Your goals & dreams will excite them & they will be willing to sacrifice to help you achieve what you want to.
  • Respect & Trust : In a long-term relationship, respecting & trusting your partner is essential, otherwise the bond won’t survive for long. Its equally important to be honest.
  • Being with You in Tough Times : If your partner sticks with you, even when you have a setback or are demotivated, it shows how much they love you & will try their best to cheer you up. It shows that they believe in you & won’t give up on you, no matter how bad a situation might be.

Keys to a Long Lasting Relationship

Deep levels of trust, commitment & intimacy are markers of a lasting relationship. Some things that can lead to loving relationships include:

  • Loving-kindness Meditation (LKM) is a technique that promotes self-acceptance & reduces stress. But it also leads to various positive emotions & improves interpersonal relationships. It involves meditating while thinking about a person we love or care about, concentrating on warm feelings, their well-being & happiness.
  • Communicate : Everyone has different needs. The best way through which we can ensure that our needs along with the needs of our loved ones are met, is to talk about them. Another person can feel loved when we communicate our love to them through words & deeds. This can be done by showing that you care, making them feel special, telling them they are loved & doing things for them.
  • Healthily Tackle Conflict: Arguments are a part of any relationship. Never arguing is not a sign of a healthy relationship. It means that people are avoiding an issue rather than discussing it. Rather than avoiding conflict, we must focus on discussing issues in a healthy & open manner in order to move a relationship forward in a positive way.

Made for each other

Not every person is meant for you, there are only a few beings who truly understand us & love us deeply. Such a person is compatible with us. Such people are called ”made for each other.” There are some common signs through which we can know two people are meant to be with each other :

  • Valuing each other’s presence : If two individuals who are in a relationship know each other’s importance, means they are in a good relationship, mutually. Understanding roles & expressing love for each other are signs that you are made for each other.
  • Understanding each other’s interests : One needs to respect each others’ interests & built a close connection. Taking an active interest in what our partner likes can make us be closer to them.
  • Both express feelings for each other : If people in a relationship share each other’s thoughts, desires & feelings, without any hesitation, then it’s clear signs they are made for each other.
  • Being honest : Having an open communication with each other, sharing our strengths & weaknesses can help two individuals in a better manner in a relationship.
  • Compatibility : Being comfortable & trusting each other, accepting & understanding each other’s thoughts, dreams, values leads to compatibility.
  • Solving the issues in the relationship together : One may have different opinions than their partner. But trying to find a common ground when it come to facing a situation & solving our issues can keep the relationship intact.
  • Being your real self : Relationships mean valuing the imperfections & being truly honest.

Soulmate Connection

Having a deep connection with your partner, may tell us whether we have a soul-mate connection with your partner or not. There are certain ways through which we can know we have a soulmate are :

  • Intense feelings : In a soul-mate relationship, there is deep connection between the two individuals. A deep bond, that makes the relationship more special.
  • Transcendence of time and place : The feeling of being “at home” immediately when you met your partner.
  • Immediate connection : Intense feelings of connection, familiarity & rapport right upon meeting our partner can enhance soul-mate relationship. We get to know this when just being in the presence of the other person, elevates our mood & relaxes us.

It ain’t necessary that a soul mate has to be a romantic partner—it can be a platonic friend as well. Similar to romantic soul mates, they require time & effort to be strong.

Difference between Soulmate and Twin Flame

Twin Flame Journey

Twin flames are twin souls inhabiting two bodies. When these souls meet, they experience an intense spiritual connection that is emotional & life-changing. Some of the signs of a twin flame connection are :

  • Intense physical attraction from the very first meeting. This is accompanied by a strong emotional connection that only grows with time. These factors will lead into romantic love at times, can also culminate into a lifelong partnership.
  • Being familiar & knowing the other person on the deepest level. The twin flame union has feelings of telepathy-unexplainable coincidences that are significant. This strengthens the bond.
  • Focusing on our self to enable a deep connection with our inner self. This can help us attract a twin flame connection.

The strong bond of a twin flame connection can happen with family members, friends or others who cross our path & with whom we share a deep connection.

Gift for Your Loved ones

Relationships take time and work, but if couples wish they can make their bond stronger. A thoughtful gift can help reinforce the bond. Whether it’s Christmas, or Valentine’s Day, in order to show how much you care, there are lots of romantic gifts to remind our partner that we cherish them.

From customized jewelry, writing letters, surprising them or planning a romantic getaway, these unique gifts are like a token of love. Being creative by showing how much you care can create unique & highly cherished memories.

But apart from the materialistic gifts, what truly enhances a relationship is trust & honesty. True gifts in a relationship is giving time to the other person, putting in an effort, listening to them & valuing their presence in life. Here are some of the best gift ideas for your love depending upon various occasions.


Gift Name

For whom


A Meaningful Necklace




Friend, Teacher


Decorated Mugs



Music Radio



Casual Clothes


Valentine Week – Week of Love

Valentine’s Day is the story of Saint Valentine of Rome. It is believed that he was prisoned for officiating at a wedding for soldiers who were not allowed to wed. He gave these couples flowers from his garden. As the emperor was upset, he executed the Saint on February 14th, 269 AD.

Since then, Valentine’s Day symbolizes love & romance. The anniversary of Saint Valentine’s passing is celebrated as Valentine’s Day. However, the holiday is not restricted to just one day but is observed for an entire week.

Valentine’s Week is a time for joy and love, from hugs and kisses to promises. Valentine week represents love, feelings & emotions.

Valentine’s Dates

Valentine’s Week Days

7th February 2024

Rose Day

8th February 2024

Propose Day

9th February 2024

Chocolate Day

10th February 2024

Teddy Day

11th February 2024

Promise Day

12th February 2024

Hug Day

13th February 2024

Kiss Day

14th February 2024

Valentine’s Day

Is Love Influenced By Biology or Culture

Just like happiness or anger, love is also a basic human emotion according to some researchers. While others believe that love is a cultural phenomenon that is a result of social pressures & expectations.

As per research, romantic love exists in all cultures. Meaning that love has a strong biological component. Seeking out to find love is a part of human nature. However, cultural influence changes how individuals think, experience & display romantic love in a significant manner.

Is Love an Emotion

However, psychologists, sociologists & researchers disagree on how love is characterized. Many people feel that it’s not like an emotion that can be understood easily, but it is an essential physiological drive.

Enrique Burunat, a psychologist & biologist says, “Love is a physiological motivation such as hunger, thirst, sleep & sex drive.” The American Psychological Association defines love as “a complex emotion.”

Impact of Love on Mental Health

Having love with someone can impact an indivisual’s life both mentally and psychologically. Here are some impact of love associated with a person.

  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Decreased risk of dying after a heart attack
  • Better health habits
  • Increased longevity
  • Lower stress levels
  • Less depression
  • Lower risk of diabetes

Negative Emotions of Love

No relationship is perfect, so there will always be problems, conflicts, misunderstandings & disappointments that can lead to distress or heartbreak. So while love is associated with many positive emotions, it can have certain negative feelings as well, like

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased stress
  • Jealousy
  • Obsessiveness
  • Possessiveness
  • Sadness

While certain people may experience some negative emotions associated with love, it can be problematic if such negative feelings outweigh the positive or if they interfere with a person’s ability to function normally. In such situations, couples can consult a counselor.

Unrequited love (One Sided Love)

Unrequited love or one-sided love is not openly reciprocated or understood by the beloved. The person we love may not be aware of the our deep & pure affection, or may consciously reject it knowing that we admires them. Inability to declare love often leads to negative feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety & mood swings.

Unrequited love can be quite painful, affecting one’s mental health. Even though in popular culture, unrequited love has been romanticized, but in reality, it’s no substitute for a love that is true, healthy & mutual. But like any other difficulty in life, having patience, indulging in taking care of self & being honest.

How to overcome failure in love

Be it in life or in love, none of us strives to fail. But we do fail at times. When it comes to love, going through a heartbreak becomes very difficult. But there are certain ways through which we can overcome failure in love :

  • Accept the reality : It sometimes becomes very difficult for certain individuals to overcome a love failure because they choose to remain in denial most of the time. It isn’t like a physical wound that will heal, it’s not even pain; but the feeling of being alone & hollow can be very painful. The only way to heal, is to accept the reality, understand the situation & move ahead.
  • Forgive & forget : Bringing forgiveness into the relationship that no longer stands, can be helpful in the healing process. We need to let go of our emotions, accept that the person we once loved is no longer a part of our lives. But we need to let go of the past & move ahead. One has to be aware that not all love sees fulfillment & not every love you feel would be always meant for you. Once we make peace with love & the loss of it, we can deal with failure.
  • Remember & cherish : We should be grateful for all the times love made us strong & beautiful. Cherish the special moments. Having loved & being in love is itself very fortunate.
  • Understand your self deeply : Its easier to blame ourselves when something goes wrong. We can also be blaming others when things go downhill. Once we accept our loss & start living in the reality, we must understand our self deeply. When we delve into our own soul, won’t let you destruct yourself with self loathing. This way, we can accept what went wrong. Just like it’s necessary to accept the failure of love to overcome it, its essential to understand everything about ourselves that might have contributed to this loss. This is necessary so that you do not fail yourself while trying to cope with the reality of love having failed you.
  • Take a break : Be it anything, one deserves a break when things become monotonous. A break can be in the form of anything, going to a different place, trying out a new activity, meditating, spending time with friends & family. Taking out time for yourself to overcome love failure can be beneficial. Taking a break can help us divert the negative energy & help us overcome the emotional upheavals that love failure brings unto you.

Just because love has failed us doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be happy. If one works through their emotions & focuses on their well-being, we can enjoy the single life & be happy.

Love Quotes

Here are some famous love quotes given by bischolars. You can copy these quotes and share these love quotes as status.

“Love is the beauty of the soul.”

By: Saint Augustine, Roman African Theologian

“The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.”

By: Walter Benjamin, German Jewish philosopher

Love Quotes

“In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.”

By: Janos Arany, Hungarian poet

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

By: Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

Love Captions for Instagram

In the time of social media, Often couples being quite public about their relationships & posting pictures and videos showing affection for their partners. It’s all about capturing these precious moments. Such posts have captions that speak of their love for each other. Here are some creative Love captions for Instagram.

In your arms, I’ve found my forever home. ????

Love is not something you find; it’s something you build.

Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.

You + Me = Happily Ever After.

When love is real, it finds a way.

Love is the answer, no matter the question.

Love Captions for Instagram

Every moment with you feels like a fairytale.

Love is the greatest adventure.

Life is better when we’re together.

You’re my sunshine on the darkest days.

The best kind of therapy is love and laughter.

Two hearts, one love.

Love is the secret ingredient to a beautiful life.

Our love story is my favorite story.

In your arms, I’ve found my safe haven.

Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you,’ but how much you prove it.

With you, every moment is a precious memory.

Love is the bridge between two hearts.

You’re the missing piece to my puzzle of happiness.

Love is the greatest treasure of all.

Love Captions for Couples

Gone are the days when people were shy when it came to expressing love. These days couples are quite open about their relationships & are always posting pictures & videos showing their love. Some of the quite popular love captions that couples use are :-

Falling in love all over again.

Life isn’t perfect, but we are.

The best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I’m wearing the smile you gave me.

I’m never lost if I’m with you.

Love Captions for Girls

Here are some of the innovative and creative Love Captions for Girls.

With your love & care, I feel like I can conquer the whole wide world.

My girl, my princess, my love.

Love Captions

You came into my life & became it.

If I could have anyone in the world it would still be you.

Every girl is like a butterfly free to move hard to catch.

Love Captions for Boyfriend

We also come across several funny, cute, loving captions for boys that are used to show their nature, personality, wit, intelligence & humor. Here are some of the crazy captions for boyfriend that you can share.

The man for me

One boy, a thousand feelings.

I never believed in Prince Charming until I met you.

I wanna annoy this man for the rest of my life.

He calls me beautiful like it’s my name.

Thus we see how there’s hardly any post without a caption especially if it’s a post about love. People nowadays are quite open about expressing their feelings for their partners, especially on social media.

Way Forward in Love

Love is a set of emotions & behaviors along with intimacy, passion, & commitment. It means care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, & trust. It is most likely that both biology & culture influence love. Hormones & biology are essential, but our personal concept of love, influences the way we express & experience love.

Love, attachment & affection impact well-being & quality of life. Being vulnerable, forgiving, accepting the other person as they are, acknowledging their presence, reciprocating their feelings, being kind, listening to them, communicating are keys to a heathy relationship.

The intensity of love can vary & it can change over time. It has a range of positive emotions, like happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, & euphoria. So while love is associated with many positive emotions, it can have certain negative feelings as well, like anxiety, depression, increased stress, jealousy, obsessiveness, possessiveness, and sadness. These days, couples can take the help of a counselor as well when it comes to sorting out relationship issues.

What Is Love – FAQs

1. What is love?

Love is actually a set of emotions & behaviors along with intimacy, passion, & commitment. It means care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, & trust.

Intensity of love can vary & it can change over time. It has a range of positive emotions, like happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, & euphoria, but it there are negative emotions as well like jealousy & stress.

2. What are the different types of love ?

Psychologists have come up with different types of love that people may experience. These types of love are :

friendship, infatuation, passionate love, compassionate/companionate love & unrequited love.

3. How does love impact our mental health ?

Love, attachment & affection impact well-being & quality of life. Loving relationships have been associated with: lower risk of heart disease, decreased risk of dying after a heart attack, better health habits, Increased longevity, lower stress levels, less depression, lower risk of diabetes.

4.How can we show our love to another person ?

Every relationship is unique in which each person has their own history & needs. Some things that one can do to show love to the people they care about are : being vulnerable, being forgiving. Putting in our best efforts & apologizing on making mistakes. Letting them know that you care. Listening to what they have to say. Prioritize spending time with the other person. Being kind, recognizing & appreciating their good qualities. Sharing things, being affectionate.

5. How is communication a key to a healthy relationship?

Everyone has different needs. The best way through which we can ensure that our needs along with the needs of our loved ones are met, is to talk about them. Another person can feel loved when we communicate our love to them through words & deeds. This can be done by showing that you care, making them feel special, telling them they are loved & doing things for them.