What is Microcomputer?

A microcomputer is a low-cost computer and compact with a microprocessor-based central processing unit (CPU). In this article, we will understand features, types, and more about microcomputers.

What is Microcomputer?

A microcomputer is a standalone and compact computer system with a central processing unit, memory, storage, and also input/output devices. It is designated for small-scale or personal use. It provides processing effectiveness in an insignificant form factor to both people and small enterprises. Because of their tiny central processing unit (CPU), microcomputers are comparatively compact devices that consist of an input and output unit, a memory unit, and a single printed circuit board.

The word “microcomputer” was once widely used to refer to personal computers, especially those of a class of compact digital computers with a single integrated semiconductor chip serving as its central processing unit. The establishment of more dominant microprocessors in the 1970s and 1980s drove the rise in popularity of microcomputers.

Features of Microcomputer

  • Low cost: When compared to other computer types, microcomputers are very affordable.
  • Limited processing power: Microcomputers are typically not appropriate for sophisticated tasks due to their limited processing capability.
  • Compact size: Designed for personal usage, microcomputers are compact.
  • Popular operating systems: Generally, microcomputers run widely used operating systems like Windows or macOS.

History of Microcomputer

The microcomputers first invented and used were in the period of 1971 to 1976 .In 1971, Intel microprocessor set the route for the development of the microcomputer. The first microcomputer(the Micral) was released in 1973 by Realisation d’Études Électroniques (R2E). The Altair 8800, despite its availability after the Micral and MCM/70, is often regarded as the inaugural commercial microcomputer to achieve success. The Intel 8080 microprocessor is provided as its foundation. It sold for about $400, and built, it cost $600 ($ 3,254 and $4,458 in 2024 currency).

Types of Microcomputer

Below are some types of microcomputer.

  • Personal digital assistant: A personal digital assistant is a lightweight handheld computer. A PDA is a portable microcomputer that is approximately always with you. This runs on a built-in rechargeable battery.
  • Laptop: People can utilize laptops, conveniently portable personal computers, for whatever purpose. They are generally convenient and arrive with a built-in keyboard, mouse, and screen to make traveling easier.
  • Tablet: A tablet is a touch-screen microcomputer that is more compact than a laptop.
  • Desktop: It’s the desktop that’s situated on the table. Keyboard, mouse, monitor, and CPU are just a few of the input and output devices that it is linked to.
  • Workstation: The workstation and server operate in similar ways. Workstations are designed to facilitate data exchange within the office network.

Applications of Microcomputer

Below are some applications of microcomputer

  • Medical Field: Microcomputers are also utilized in the medical industry, for example, in the maintenance of patient histories. They are even utilized in conjunction with devices such as sonography equipment, Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MRIs), etc.
  • Education: Microcomputers are extensively used in educational institutions for administration, research, and instruction. They help with online learning, record-keeping for students, and the creation and delivery of instructional materials.
  • Entertainment: Jobs like virtual reality, gaming, and the creation of music and videos are all executed on microcomputers in the entertainment sector.
  • Home and personal use: Microcomputers are often utilized in homes for activities such as online gaming, document creation and editing, video watching, and internet surfing.

Advantages of Microcomputer

Below are some advantages of microcomputer

  • Increased Productivity: With tools like word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software, microcomputers let users operate more productively and efficiently. These tools concede users do more in less time.
  • Portability: Examples of portable devices are Tablets, laptops, and smartphones. The audience may therefore access any information at any moment.
  • Quick Progress: Microcomputers are always changing new features and technologies are added regularly. This guarantees the long-term relevance and utility of microcomputers.
  • Cost: The cost of microcomputers varies based on the needs of the individual users. They are primarily meant for single persons and are reasonably priced to enable the greatest amount of people to utilize them.

Disadvantages of Microcomputer

Below are some disadvantages of microcomputer

  • Unsuitable content: Modern technological devices are no exception. Online, there is a lot of content, but not all of it is suitable for all user bases. As a result, kids could be exposed to disproportionate and irrelevant information.
  • Security: The internet connection of microcomputers presents several security risks.
  • Performance: When compared to supercomputers or mainframes, microcomputer’s performance is comparatively modest.
  • Storage capacity: Microcomputer default storage is quite limited. In order to increase their capacity, users will need to upgrade their computers or buy more external storage.


In conclusion, Microcomputers are utilized in the many industries, for example, in the maintenance of patient histories. They are even utilized in conjunction with devices such as sonography equipment, Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MRIs), etc. The price of microcomputers varies based on the needs of the user. They are primarily meant for single person and are reasonably priced to enable the greatest amount of people to utilize them.

Frequently Asked Questions on Microcomputer – FAQs

What is a microcomputer used for?

The usage of high-performance microcomputers spread to the fields of business, engineering, “smart” or intelligent office and manufacturing machinery, and military electronics systems.

How does microcomputer help your life?

Word processing, spreadsheets, games, teamwork and communication, research, specialized software, and many more jobs are performed on microcomputers.

What is the speed of a microcomputer?

Processing speeds for microcomputers can be ranged from 70 to 100 MIPS.

Is a microcomputer a laptop?

A single-chip microprocessor-based device is commonly referred to as a personal computer (PC), replacing the outdated name “microcomputer.” Desktops and laptops are common types of microcomputers.

What is inside a microcomputer?

A system that has at least a microprocessor, program memory, data memory, and an input/output module is known as a microcomputer.