What Is Negative Space in Design?

What is Negative space? – Negative space, or white space, refers to the empty areas around and between elements in a design or artwork. Even though it might not grab your attention, it plays a crucial role in how the overall piece looks and feels. It’s the “breathing room” that helps define and highlight the main objects or elements in the design.

In this article, we will be talking about what Is Negative Space, what is the difference between a negative and a white space, its importance, benefits, limits, and some examples of negative space.

Negative Space

What is the difference between Negative Space and White Space?

There is basically no significant difference between Negative Space and White Space. Originally, “negative space” originates from the realm of photography, distinguishing the main subjects (positive space) from their backdrop (negative space). Conversely, “white space” referred to the unused portions of a page in print design, a time when pages were predominantly white, encompassing the gaps within and around text and illustrations.

It’s crucial to note that in web design, negative space isn’t limited to white; any color, texture, pattern, or background imagery can serve to create this effect.

Importance of Negative Space

Some of the reason why Negative Space is important in design are:

  • Make your content easy to follow so that people can understand and enjoy it better.
  • Make your writing easier to read by organizing and styling it properly (combined with alignment).
  • Group things that are related close to each other, or keep them apart to show they’re not connected.
  • Make text and buttons stand out to facilitate navigation and encourage user interaction.
  • Highlight significant details and information.
  • Make your design look better and stand out.
  • Make parts of your design different, but make sure it looks balanced and nice.

Benefits of Negative Space

Here are some of the benefits of using negative space in design:

  • Creates Balance: When a design has enough empty space around its elements, it looks less crowded and overwhelming because the visual elements are spread out evenly.
  • Enhances Clarity: When objects don’t compete for the viewer’s attention, negative space improves clarity.
  • Establishes Hierarchy: If you leave some empty space around the important stuff in your design, it will grab people’s attention more effectively.
  • Readability: It’s easier for people to read and understand words in a design when there’s enough empty space around them.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: When you arrange the empty spaces well in a design, it makes the whole thing look more beautiful and balanced. It adds a touch of sophistication and makes it visually attractive.

How to Use Negative Space Effectively?

There are a few things to remember. when using negative space in design:

  • Use the Right Amount: If you use too little negative space, your design will appear cluttered and overpowering, and if you use too much, it will feel cold and empty.
  • Balance it with Positive Space: The empty areas in your design should complement and go well with the filled areas.
  • Use it Intentionally: Don’t only provide blank space to fill the area. Make sure the inclusion of it in your design has a purpose.

Examples of Negative Space in Different fields of Design

The following are some of the different fields of design where negative space is used:

  1. UI design: In UI design, negative space is the empty area around things. It makes text and elements easy to read, helps grab attention, and ensures a clean and user-friendly look. Good use of negative space is essential for a design that looks nice and works well.
  2. Web design: In web design, negative space is the empty area around things. It helps text and elements stand out, organizes information, and makes the design look nice. Using it well makes the website easier to use and more enjoyable.
  3. Graphic design: Negative space in graphic design is the empty area around images. It makes the design look good, keeps it balanced, and helps you notice important things. A nice design depends on using negative space well.
  4. Frame an image: The drawing shows someone writing with a pen under a light, and if you look closely, the shadows create the tip of the pen, tying the whole scene together.
  5. Use layers: There are two parts. If you examine it closely, you’ll notice smoke and machinery inside what initially looks like a skull. It combines the themes of the industrial revolution and death, suggesting the damage to the environment and lives lost during that time.
  6. Crop photos: The Target catalog cuts photos to match their logo shape, making it look more interesting and enhancing their brand style, compared to using just square or rectangular photos.

Limitations of Negative Spaces

Here are some of the limitation of negative space:

  • Misinterpretation: If there’s too much empty space on a page, it can be confusing and feel empty. But if there’s too little space, it can be overwhelming. It’s important to have the right amount for a clear and comfortable design.
  • Cultural Differences: Different cultures have different opinions about empty space in design. Some see it as wasteful, while others think it looks elegant. Designers should be aware of these cultural differences when using empty space.
  • Brand Identity: Some brands prefer a busy design to make things look abundant or rich. Empty spaces don’t fit the image they want for their brand.
  • Lack of Engagement: A design that makes excessive use of negative space may come out as boring and uninspired. For visual elements to interact and feel dynamic, there must be enough space between them. The overall impression of the design can be diminished by an excessive amount of negative space.
  • Website Scroll Considerations: A website’s user experience may be impacted by too much negative space, particularly on mobile devices, which can make scrolling take longer.


Negative space is the empty or less used area around and between main elements in a design. It’s crucial for creating a balanced and clear visual composition.

Designers need to find the right balance between the main elements and the empty space to make the design visually appealing and functional. Consideration of cultural nuances, content importance, and brand identity is essential. Designers should be mindful of how negative space can influence the overall message and feeling conveyed by the design.

What Is Negative Space in Design? – FAQs

What is meant by Negative Space in design?

Negative space refers to the area around and between the subjects of an image, emphasizing form, balance, and composition. It’s used to draw attention to the main subject, creating a more engaging visual experience.

Is Negative Space good or bad?

Negative space is beneficial when used effectively, enhancing composition and focus, but can detract from the design if used excessively or improperly.

What is Negative vs Positive Space in Design thinking?

In design thinking, negative space is the unoccupied area that frames and emphasizes the positive space, the focal elements, creating balance and guiding viewer perception. This dynamic interplay enhances clarity, visual appeal, and narrative depth in design compositions.

What is Negative Space also called?

Negative space is also commonly referred to as “white space” or “empty space,” despite not always being white.

What is Negative Space in an image?

Negative space in an image is the unoccupied area surrounding and highlighting the main subject, playing a crucial role in defining the composition’s balance and focus.

What color is Negative Space?

Negative space does not have a specific color; it can be any color, depending on the design or composition.